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powApply : Nat -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
powApply Z f = id
powApply (S k) f = f . powApply k f
powApplyZero : (f : _) -> (x : _) -> powApp Z f x = x
powApplyZero f x = Refl
import Data.ZZ
-- Two functions, f and g, with a proof that g is an inverse of f
data Invertible : Type -> Type -> Type where
MkInvertible : (f : a -> b) -> (g : b -> a) ->
((x : _) -> g (f x) = x) -> Invertible a b
powApplyI : ZZ -> Invertible a a -> a -> a
powApplyI (Pos Z) (MkInvertible f g x) = id
powApplyI (Pos (S k)) (MkInvertible f g x) =
f . powApplyI (Pos k) (MkInvertible f g x)
powApplyI (NegS Z) (MkInvertible f g x) = g
powApplyI (NegS (S k)) (MkInvertible f g x) =
g . powApplyI (NegS k) (MkInvertible f g x)
powApplyIZero : (i : _) -> (x : _) -> powApplyI (Pos Z) i x = x
powApplyIZero i x = ?powApplyIZero_rhs
但是,Idris 拒绝评估 powApplyI
的应用,将 ?powApplyIZero_rhs
的类型保留为 powApplyI (Pos 0) i x = x
已更改为 0
)。我试过以非 pointsfree 风格编写 powApplyI
,并使用 %elim
修饰符定义我自己的 ZZ
(我不明白),但这些都不起作用。为什么不通过检查 powApplyI
idris 版本:
powApplyNI : Nat -> Invertible a a -> a -> a
powApplyNI Z (MkInvertible f g x) = id
powApplyNI (S k) (MkInvertible f g x) = f . powApplyNI k (MkInvertible f g x)
powApplyNIZero : (i : _) -> (x : _) -> powApplyNI 0 i x = x
powApplyNIZero (MkInvertible f g y) x = Refl
powApplyZF : ZZ -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
powApplyZF (Pos Z) f = id
powApplyZF (Pos (S k)) f = f . powApplyZF (Pos k) f
powApplyZF (NegS Z) f = f
powApplyZF (NegS (S k)) f = f . powApplyZF (NegS k) f
powApplyZFZero : (f : _) -> (x : _) -> powApplyZF 0 f x = x
powApplyZFZero f x = ?powApplyZFZero_rhs
第一个证明很好,但是 ?powApplyZFZero_rhs
顽固地保持类型 powApplyZF (Pos 0) f x = x
1 Câu trả lời
问题:根据 Idris 的说法,powApplyI
无法证明是完全的。 Idris 的完整性检查器依赖于能够将参数减少到结构上更小的形式,而对于原始 ZZ
tổng cộng
powApplyI : ZZ -> a <~ a -> a -> a
powApplyI (Pos k) (MkInvertible f g x) = powApply k f
powApplyI (NegS k) (MkInvertible f g x) = powApply (S k) g
然后,通过在 Tôi
感谢来自 #idris IRC channel 的 Melvar。
关于proof - idris 定义证明,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27749330/
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我正在考虑尽量减少对尚未编写的应用程序的 future 影响。我试图避免任何 3rd 方产品,甚至避免特定于操作系统的调用。任何人都可以建议 future 证明应用程序的其他方法。这个想法是不必在 1
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Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!