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我对向量谓词有以下定义,用于标识一个集合是否为集合(没有重复元素)。我使用类型级 bool 值定义成员资格:
import Data.Vect
%default total
data ElemBool : Eq t => t -> Vect n t -> Bool -> Type where
ElemBoolNil : Eq t => ElemBool {t=t} a [] False
ElemBoolCons : Eq t => ElemBool {t=t} x1 xs b -> ElemBool x1 (x2 :: xs) ((x1 == x2) || b)
data IsSet : Eq t => Vect n t -> Type where
IsSetNil : Eq t => IsSet {t=t} []
IsSetCons : Eq t => ElemBool {t=t} x xs False -> IsSet xs -> IsSet (x :: xs)
fun_1 : Eq t => (x : t) -> (xs : Vect n t) -> (b : Bool ** ElemBool x xs b)
fun_1 x [] = (False ** ElemBoolNil)
fun_1 x1 (x2 :: xs) =
let (b ** prfRec) = fun_1 x1 xs
in (((x1 == x2) || b) ** (ElemBoolCons prfRec))
fun_2 : Eq t => (xs : Vect n t) -> IsSet xs
fun_2 [] = IsSetNil
fun_2 (x :: xs) =
let prfRec = fun_2 xs
(False ** isNotMember) = fun_1 x xs
in IsSetCons isNotMember prfRec
的工作方式类似于 ElemBool 上的决策过程。
我的问题是 fun_2
。为什么 (False ** isNotMember) = fun_1 x xs
example : IsSet [1,1]
example = fun_2 [1,1]
根据上面 IsSet 和 ElemBool 的定义,这似乎是矛盾的。ví dụ
idris 计算的值如下:
case block in fun_2 Integer
(constructor of Prelude.Classes.Eq (\meth =>
\meth =>
intToBool (prim__eqBigInt meth
(\meth =>
\meth =>
not (intToBool (prim__eqBigInt meth
(IsSetCons ElemBoolNil IsSetNil)
(True ** ElemBoolCons ElemBoolNil) : IsSet [1, 1]
这是有意为之的行为吗?还是自相矛盾?为什么 IsSet [1,1]
类型的值是 case block ?我在文件顶部有 %default total
Để ý:我使用的是 Idris 0.9.18
1 Câu trả lời
覆盖率检查器中存在一个错误,这就是此类型检查的原因。它将在 0.9.19 中修复(这是一个微不足道的问题,由内部依赖对构造函数的名称更改引起,由于某种原因,直到现在才被忽视,所以感谢你提醒我!)
fun_2 : Eq t => (xs : Vect n t) -> Maybe (IsSet xs)
fun_2 [] = Just IsSetNil
fun_2 (x :: xs) with (fun_1 x xs)
fun_2 (x :: xs) | (True ** pf) = Nothing
fun_2 (x :: xs) | (False ** pf) with (fun_2 xs)
fun_2 (x :: xs) | (False ** pf) | Nothing = Nothing
fun_2 (x :: xs) | (False ** pf) | (Just prfRec)
= Just (IsSetCons pf prfRec)
。可悲的是,它不能返回更精确的东西,比如 Dec (IsSet xs)
因为你使用的是通过 Eq
的 bool 相等性,而不是通过 DecEq 的可判定相等性
关于proof - Idris 中看似矛盾的类型检查,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32110475/
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Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!