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932. Beautiful Array 漂亮数组

In lại 作者:大佬之路 更新时间:2024-01-31 14:16:23 57 4
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Forsome fixed N, an array A is beautiful if it is a permutation of the integers 1, 2, ..., N, such that:

Forevery i < j, there is no k with i < k < j such that A[k] * 2 = A[i] + A[j].

Given N, return any beautiful array A. (It is guaranteed that one exists.)

Ví dụ 1:

Input: 4 Output: [2,1,4,3]

Example 2:

Input: 5 Output: [3,1,2,5,4]


1、 1<=N<=1000;





因为题目要求任意两个数的平均数不能在他们中间,如果一个数字左边都是奇数,右边都是偶数,那么肯定这个数字的二倍是偶数,肯定不会存在A[k] * 2 = A[i] + A[j].

若数组A满足上面的条件,那么很容易从线性关系中看出来,对于A中的每个元素做[2 * i for i in A]后者[2 * i - 1 for i in A]依然满足上面的条件。

所以我们从最简单的1open in new window开始推导,构造奇数+偶数拼接在一起成为新的数组,然后继续这个操作,就能使得得到的一直是满足条件的数组。最后当数组的长度满足条件就结束。因为结果数组的长度是2的整数次方,所以最后要把结果中小于等于N的留下来就行了。


class Solution(object): def beautifulArray(self, N): """ :type N: int :rtype: List[int] """ res = [1] while len(res) < N: res = [2 * i - 1 for i in res] + [2 * i for i in res] return [i for i in res if i <= N]

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可以把上面的方法改成递归写法。思想是类似的,只不过要注意的是因为N可能是偶数也可能是奇数,当是奇数的时候除以二的时候可能丢失了一个奇数,所以小于N的奇数个数是N / 2 + N % 2.


class Solution(object): def beautifulArray(self, N): """ :type N: int :rtype: List[int] """ if N == 1: return [1] odd = [i * 2 - 1 for i in self.beautifulArray(N / 2 + N % 2)] even = [i * 2 for i in self.beautifulArray(N / 2)] return odd + even

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