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如何让这个程序让用户一次输入 5 位数字,而不是每次都询问单独的数字?我知道我必须使用 string.split() 但我将在哪里放置代码并执行代码。
from random import randint
n1 = randint(1,9)
n2 = randint(1,9)
n3 = randint(1,9)
n4 = randint(1,9)
c = 1
trong khi Đúng:
print (n1,n2,n3,n4)
guess1 = input("guess the first number")
guess2 = input("guess the second number")
guess3 = input("guess the third number")
guess4 = input("guess the fourth number")
guess1 = int(guess1)
guess2 = int(guess2)
guess3 = int(guess3)
guess4 = int(guess4)
numberswrong = 0
if guess1 != n1:
numberswrong += 1
if guess2 != n2:
numberswrong += 1
if guess3 != n3:
numberswrong += 1
if guess4 != n4:
numberswrong += 1
if numberswrong == 0:
print('Well Done!')
print('It took you ' + str(c) + ' ries to guess the number!')
phá vỡ
print('You got ' + str(4-numberswrong) + ' numbers right.')
c += 1
1 Câu trả lời
您只需将单个输入中的数字拆分并使用列表理解将它们转换为整数即可。您还可以使用类似的方法创建 random_n
from random import randint
random_n = [randint(1,9) for i in range(4)]
c = 1
trong khi Đúng:
user_input = [int(i) for i in input("guess the numbers: ").split()]
numberswrong = 0
if user_input[0] != random_n[0]:
numberswrong += 1
if user_input[1] != random_n[1]:
numberswrong += 1
if user_input[2] != random_n[2]:
numberswrong += 1
if user_input[3] != random_n[3]:
numberswrong += 1
if numberswrong == 0:
print('Well Done!')
print('It took you ' + str(c) + ' tries to guess the number!')
phá vỡ
print('You got ' + str(4-numberswrong) + ' numbers right.')
c += 1
if c > 10:
print('More than 10 failed attempts. End.')
phá vỡ
[3, 9, 1, 6]
guess the numbers: 1 2 1 6
You got 2 numbers right.
[3, 9, 1, 6]
guess the numbers: 3 9 1 6
Well Done!
It took you 2 tries to guess the number!
biên tập:如果尝试超过 10 次,则添加中断,在这种情况下,当您的计数器 c
超过 10 时。
关于python - 使用 String.split() 掌握 Python,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52980249/
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Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!