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java - 如何使用 -Xlint 重新编译?掌握

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 07:09:37 36 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike


Note: Program.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

我可以做什么来识别使用 -Xlint 的不安全操作,或者程序中的什么导致了此消息?我认为这与我的 Node 类有关......?

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

* An application that reads from a file, enters/deletes in queue and writes output to the file
public class Program {

* Driver code to test class
* @param arguments
* Commandline arguments. 1st argument is input file and 2nd argument is output file
* @throws IOException
public static void main(String[] arguments) throws IOException {

//Queue Object
MyQueue queue= (new MyQueue());

Tên chuỗi;
//reading file

String[] array = { "Offer Person", "Poll Person", "Peek person","Display Queue", "Exit Program"};
int choice = 0;

// display loop
while (choice != array.length-1) {
choice = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, // put in center of screen
"Press a Button", // message to user
"Queue(Line) of People", // title of window
JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, // type of option
JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, // type of message
null, // icon
array, // array of strings
array[array.length - 1]); // default choice (last one)

//inserting the new name in queue
name=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter Person's name","Input");

else if(choice==1){

//Display and remove the name which is at front of line
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, queue.poll() + " is next in line");


else if(choice==2){

//Display name which is at front of line
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, queue.peek() + " is front of the line");


else if(choice==3){
//Dispay all the list
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, queue.toString());

//JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Your pressed button #" + choice);
//calling writing function
write(queue, arguments[1]);

}// end of main()

* Reads a file
* @param queue
* @param file_name name of file
public static void read(QueueInterface queue, String file_name) throws IOException{

Tên chuỗi;
//creating a buffer reader to read
BufferedReader br= new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file_name));
while((name=br.readLine()) != null){
//putting in the queue
//closing buffer reader
catch(Exception ex)


* Writes the contents of LinkedQueue to the output file at the ned of program
* @param queue QueueInterface methods
* @param file_name name of file
public static void write(QueueInterface queue, String file_name) throws IOException{
Tên chuỗi;
//creating a buffer writer to write
BufferedWriter bw= new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file_name));
while((name=queue.poll()) != null){
//writin in file

//closing buffer
catch(Exception ex)

}// end of class

* Interface to be implemented by LinkedQueue
interface QueueInterface
public boolean empty();
public boolean offer(String element);
public String poll();
public String peek();

class Node
private String data;
private Node nextNode;
public Node(String dataObject, Node nextNodeObject)

* Gets the next node
* @return next node
public Node getNext()
return nextNode;

* Sets the next node of the current node
* @param nextNodeObject next node to be set as next to the current node
public void setNext(Node nextNodeObject)

* Sets data of the current node
* @param dataObject data to be inserted in new node
public void setData(String dataObject)

* Gets data of the current node
* @return data of the node
public String getData()
return this.data;

class LinkedQueue implements QueueInterface
protected Node lastNode=null;

LinkedQueue() {

* Checks if the queue is empty
* @return true if empty, false if not empty
public boolean empty() {
trả về giá trị đúng;
trả về false;

* Inserts new node in the queue
* @param element data to be inserted in new node
* @return true on success
public boolean offer(String element)
Node newLastNode = new Node(element,null);

//If the LinkedQueue is empty, add the node to the last and point next to itself
// Adding to the front of queue and updating next of the last node
trả về giá trị đúng;

* Removes the first node and returns it
* @return data at first node
public String poll()
// If queue is empty then return null
trả về giá trị null;
Node frontNode = lastNode.getNext();

//Check if there will be no node left after polling this one
if (frontNode == lastNode)
lastNode = null;
else //Remove the first node and update next of the last node
return frontNode.getData();

* Returns data of the first node without removing it from the queue
* @return data at first node
public String peek()
if (empty())
trả về giá trị null;
Node frontNode = lastNode.getNext();
return frontNode.getData();

class MyQueue extends LinkedQueue{

* Constructor
public MyQueue()

* Returns a string representation of the object
* @return a name on different lines
public java.lang.String toString()
// create a variable to return
java.lang.String toReturn = "";

// Traversing the list
Node frontNode = lastNode.getNext();

if(empty()) //If queue is empty
return "";
else if(frontNode==lastNode) //If only one elemtn
return frontNode.getData().toString();
else //More than one element in the queue
while(frontNode != lastNode)
toReturn= toReturn+frontNode.getData()+"\n"; //Appending data of last node because it will be missed in the loop
return toReturn;

1 Câu trả lời

如果您在命令行上编译(即 javac Program.java ),您只需添加 -Xlint:unchecked让它为您打印警告的参数:

javac Program.java -Xlint:unchecked

这应该会向您指出问题点。但是,正如@DavidWallace 在评论中提到的那样,您应该考虑修改对泛型的使用,使其更加清晰——即使不使用 -Xlint 也可能会向您揭示您的问题。参数。

如果你的类真的应该只处理 Sợi dây s,那么你根本不需要包含类型参数(现在,在你的代码中, 是一个类型参数,代表你在使用类时传入的类型 - 它并不意味着它必须是 java.lang.String——这就是为什么@DavidWallace 建议您改用 T 的原因)。 Here's如果您想复习如何使用泛型,这是一个很好的教程。

关于java - 如何使用 -Xlint 重新编译?掌握,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22875001/

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