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java - 使用非递归回溯算法生成迷宫的问题

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-30 09:40:55 26 4
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我正在开发一款随机生成可探索区域的 Android 游戏。现在我只是想生成迷宫(使用一些 ASCII 艺术输出以便我可以看到它),我已经用了大约 4-5 天了,但我只是被难住了。

我正在尝试使用“深度优先搜索”算法,我能找到的所有示例都使用递归回溯。由于这是针对 Android 的,而手机相对较弱,递归很快会导致调用堆栈溢出,这就是为什么我尝试使用堆栈编写自己的算法进行回溯。

我想出了这个解决方案,使用 MazeGenerator 类和 MazeCell 类。


package com.zarokima.mistwalkers.explore;

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.anddev.andengine.util.path.Direction;
import android.graphics.Point;

public class MazeGenerator
private int x, y; // the dimensions of the maze
private MazeCell[][] maze;
private Random rand = new Random();
private Stack stack;

public MazeGenerator(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

public void setSeed(long seed)

public void setSize(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

public String outputMazeText()
String output = new String();
for (int i = 0; i < y; i++)
// draw the north edge
for (int k = 0; k < x; k++)
output += maze[k][i].hasNeighbor(Direction.UP) ? "+ " : "+---";
output += "+\n";
// draw the west edge
for (int k = 0; k < x; k++)
output += maze[k][i].hasNeighbor(Direction.LEFT) ? " " : "| ";
output += "|\n";
// draw the bottom line
for (int k = 0; k < x; k++)
output += "+---";
output += "+\n";

return output;

public void generateMaze()
maze = new MazeCell[x][y];
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < y; k++)
maze[i][k] = new MazeCell(i, k);

MazeCell.setBounds(x, y);

stack = new Stack();

while (!stack.isEmpty())
MazeCell currentCell = stack.peek();

Direction[] possibleDirections = currentCell.getUncheckedDirections();

if (possibleDirections.length == 0)
Tiếp tục;

int dint = rand.nextInt(possibleDirections.length);
Direction direction = possibleDirections[dint];

MazeCell nextCell = null;
Point position = currentCell.getPosition();

switch (direction)
case UP:
nextCell = maze[position.x][position.y - 1];
phá vỡ;
case DOWN:
nextCell = maze[position.x][position.y + 1];
phá vỡ;
case LEFT:
nextCell = maze[position.x - 1][position.y];
phá vỡ;
case RIGHT:
nextCell = maze[position.x + 1][position.y];
phá vỡ;

currentCell.setNeighbor(nextCell, direction);



package com.zarokima.mistwalkers.explore;

nhập java.util.ArrayList;
import org.anddev.andengine.util.path.Direction;
import android.graphics.Point;

public class MazeCell
private MazeCell[] neighbors;
private boolean[] checked;
private boolean inMaze = false;
private Point position;
private static boolean setNeighbor = true; //whether the next call of SetNeighbor() should also call for the new neighbor
private static int xMax = 10, yMax = 10; //exclusive boundary for position
private int mapIndex; //will be used when maze generation is working properly

public MazeCell(int x, int y)
position = new Point(x,y);
neighbors = new MazeCell[4];
checked = new boolean[4];
for(int i = 0; i < neighbors.length; i++)
neighbors[i] = null;

public Point getPosition()
return position;

public void setInMaze(boolean b)
inMaze = b;

public static void setBounds(int x, int y)
xMax = x;
yMax = y;

public void setNeighbor(MazeCell c, Direction d)
checked[d.ordinal()] = true;
case UP:
if(!c.hasNeighbor(Direction.DOWN) && !c.isInMaze());
setNeighbor = false;
c.setNeighbor(this, Direction.DOWN);
neighbors[d.ordinal()] = c;
phá vỡ;
case DOWN:
if(!c.hasNeighbor(Direction.UP) && !c.isInMaze())
setNeighbor = false;
c.setNeighbor(this, Direction.UP);
neighbors[d.ordinal()] = c;
phá vỡ;
case LEFT:
if(!c.hasNeighbor(Direction.RIGHT) && !c.isInMaze())
setNeighbor = false;
c.setNeighbor(this, Direction.RIGHT);
neighbors[d.ordinal()] = c;
phá vỡ;
case RIGHT:
if(!c.hasNeighbor(Direction.LEFT) && !c.isInMaze())
setNeighbor = false;
c.setNeighbor(this, Direction.LEFT);
neighbors[d.ordinal()] = c;
phá vỡ;

setNeighbor = true;
inMaze = true;

public void setDirectionChecked(Direction d, boolean b)
checked[d.ordinal()] = b;

public boolean hasNeighbor(Direction d)
return (neighbors[d.ordinal()] != null);

public MazeCell getNeighbor(Direction d)
return neighbors[d.ordinal()];

public boolean isInMaze()
return inMaze;

public Direction[] getUncheckedDirections()
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();

for(Direction d : Direction.values())
//boundary cases
case UP:
if(position.y == 0)
Tiếp tục;
phá vỡ;
case DOWN:
if(position.y == yMax-1)
Tiếp tục;
phá vỡ;
case LEFT:
if(position.x == 0)
Tiếp tục;
phá vỡ;
case RIGHT:
if(position.x == xMax-1)
Tiếp tục;
phá vỡ;
if(checked[d.ordinal()] == false)

Direction[] d = new Direction[al.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < d.length; i++)
d[i] = al.get(i);

return d;

这会产生类似于 cái này 的结果


虽然 MazeCell 的 setNeighbor 函数中的检查看起来应该足够了,但我添加了一些只是为了看看会发生什么。这是第二个 generateMaze() 方法:

public void generateMaze()
maze = new MazeCell[x][y];
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < y; k++)
maze[i][k] = new MazeCell(i, k);

MazeCell.setBounds(x, y);

stack = new Stack();

while (!stack.isEmpty())
MazeCell currentCell = stack.peek();

Direction[] possibleDirections = currentCell.getUncheckedDirections();

if (possibleDirections.length == 0)
Tiếp tục;

int dint = rand.nextInt(possibleDirections.length);
Direction direction = possibleDirections[dint];
currentCell.setDirectionChecked(direction, true);

MazeCell nextCell = null;
Point position = currentCell.getPosition();

switch (direction)
case UP:
nextCell = maze[position.x][position.y - 1];
phá vỡ;
case DOWN:
nextCell = maze[position.x][position.y + 1];
phá vỡ;
case LEFT:
nextCell = maze[position.x - 1][position.y];
phá vỡ;
case RIGHT:
nextCell = maze[position.x + 1][position.y];
phá vỡ;

if (!nextCell.isInMaze())
currentCell.setNeighbor(nextCell, direction);


它会产生像 cái này 这样的结果


除了这里提到的内容,我还尝试了 很多,但没有任何真正的改进——大多数最终看起来就像第二张图片。有帮助吗?

câu trả lời hay nhất

我建议创建一个名为 Direction oppositeOf(Direction d) 的函数(具有明显的逻辑)。此函数允许您在 setNeighbor 中完全删除 switch 语句(如果已添加)。在这里,我重写了 setNeighbor 以具有与上面完全相同的逻辑,只是使用了这个函数:

    public void setNeighbor(MazeCell c, Direction d)
checked[d.ordinal()] = true;
if (!c.isInMaze() && !c.hasNeighbor(oppositeOf(d)))
if (setNeighbor)
setNeighbor = false;
c.setNeighbor(this, oppositeOf(d));
neighbors[d.ordinal()] = c;
setNeighbor = true;
inMaze = true;

...这实际上暴露了 setNeighbor boolean 值 总是 等于 true(不管它是否设置为 false,它总是然后设置为 true),我愿意我打赌你不希望它这样做。


关于java - 使用非递归回溯算法生成迷宫的问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9222840/

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