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c++ - 使用单个编写器增长 Boost.Interprocess 内存映射文件

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 05:15:13 26 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我的问题是关于在单个写入进程和多个读取进程的上下文中使用 Boost.Interprocess 增加内存映射区域。 是否可以使用作者的 managed_mapped_file::grow,假设读者可以接受不更新 map 大小的变化?我的假设是读者的 map 将保持有效,然后当我需要读者从作者那里获取最新更改时,我可以使用更新后的大小重新映射读者。这是正确的吗?

Growing managed segments文档部分说:

Once a managed segment is created the managed segment can't be grown. The limitation is not easily solvable: every process attached to the managed segment would need to be stopped, notified of the new size, they would need to remap the managed segment and continue working. [...]


On the other hand, Boost.Interprocess offers off-line segment growing. What does this mean? That the segment can be grown if no process has mapped the managed segment. If the application can find a moment where no process is attached it can grow or shrink to fit the managed segment. [...] managed_mapped_file also offers a similar function to grow or shrink_to_fit the managed file. Please, remember that no process should be modifying the file/shared memory while the growing/shrinking process is performed. Otherwise, the managed segment will be corrupted.


1 Câu trả lời

让我们仔细区分一下 shared_memory_object(这确实是低技术且没有影响力)和 managed_shared_memory/managed_mapped_file(两者都是使用 segment_manager).


"assuming it's acceptable for the readers not to be updated of the change of the map's size":





现在,我Có thể想象一个非常聪明的实现来规避对此类控制信息的需求(例如,带有标记值的经典空闲 block 列表)。但我不希望 Boost Interprocess 采取这条路线¹,并且您引用的文字强烈表明该设计不适合这种灵 active 。

Is it OK to use managed_mapped_file::grow from the writer, assuming it's acceptable for the readers not to be updated of the change of the map's size?


My assumption is that the reader's maps would stay valid, and then I could remap the readers with the updated size when I need them to pick up the latest changes from the writer. Is this correct?

毫无疑问,/maps/会很好(取决于 grow 的实现方式,但我想我之前已经通过实验证实了这一点)。问题在于在顶部运行的 segment_manager。这是一个会被混淆的。

¹ 纯粹的 Fingerspitzengefühl

关于c++ - 使用单个编写器增长 Boost.Interprocess 内存映射文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43195435/

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