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Phân tích cú pháp ứng dụng hàm bằng OperatorPrecedenceParser sử dụng FParsec?

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 12:12:01 28 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

问题类似于this one ,但我想使用 OperatorPrecedenceParser 解析带有函数应用程序的表达式在 FParsec .

这是我的 AST:

type Expression =
| Float of float
| Variable of VarIdentifier
| BinaryOperation of Operator * Expression * Expression
| FunctionCall of VarIdentifier (*fun name*) * Expression list (*arguments*)

board→create_obstacle(4, 4, 450, 0, fric)

let expr = (number |>> Float) <|> (ident |>> Variable)
let parenexpr = between (str_ws "(") (str_ws ")") expr

let opp = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<_,_,_>()

opp.TermParser <- expr <|> parenexpr

opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("→", ws,
10, Associativity.Right,
fun left right -> BinaryOperation(Arrow, left, right)))

我的问题是函数参数也是表达式(它们可以包括运算符、变量等),我不知道如何扩展我的 biểu thức解析器将参数列表解析为表达式列表。我在这里构建了一个解析器,但我不知道如何将它与我现有的解析器结合起来:
let primitive = expr <|> parenexpr
let argList = sepBy primitive (str_ws ",")
let fcall = tuple2 ident (between (str_ws "(") (str_ws ")") argList)

Success: Expression (BinaryOperation 
(Arrow,Variable "board",Variable "create_obstacle"))

 Success: Expression 
Variable "board",
Function (VarIdentifier "create_obstacle",
[Float 4, Float 4, Float 450, Float 0, Variable "fric"]))

1 Câu trả lời


let argListInParens = between (str_ws "(") (str_ws ")") argList
let identWithOptArgs =
pipe2 ident (opt argListInParens)
(fun id optArgs -> match optArgs with
| Some args -> FunctionCall(id, args)
| None -> Variable(id))

然后定义 biểu thức喜欢
let expr = (number |>> Float) <|> identWithOptArgs

关于使用 OperatorPrecedenceParser 使用 FParsec 解析函数应用程序?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9197687/

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