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Android - 从位置 A(索引)检查位置 B(索引)是否在 GridView 布局中与它成对角线,而不管是否接近

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-29 21:11:57 30 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike

如果我有一个位置或行/列同时用于 A 和 B 位置,请检查 B 是否与 A 成对角线?

 1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

例如,我如何检查 5 是否与 7 成对角线?

此外,如果我检查 4 是否是对角线 3,它不应该也得到真正的返回吗?



!isDiagonal(goodguyposition, positionadd1)

public static boolean isDiagonal(int a, int b)
// x = number of columns
// y = number of rows
// s = index start (1)
// a = index of a
// b = index of b

int x = 11;
//int y = 11;
int s = 0;
int ax = (s - a) % x, ay = (s - a) / x, bx = (s - b) % x, by = (s - b) / x;

if ((ax == bx - 1 || ax == bx + 1) && (ay == by - 1 || ay == by + 1))
trả về giá trị đúng;
trả về false;


câu trả lời hay nhất


public static boolean isAdjacentDiagonal(int x, int s, int a, int b) {
// x = number of columns
// s = index start
// a = index of a
// b = index of b
int ax = (a - s) % x, ay = (a - s) / x, bx = (b - s) % x, by = (b - s) / x;
return (bx == ax - 1 || bx == ax + 1) && (by == ay - 1 || by == ay + 1);

使用 Math.abs 且仅当您的索引从 0 开始时:

public static boolean isAdjacentDiagonal(int x, int a, int b) {
int ax = a % x, ay = a / x, bx = b % x, by = b / x;
return Math.abs(ax - bx) == 1 && Math.abs(ay - by) == 1;

public static boolean isOneOfDiagonals(int x, int a, int b) {
int ax = a % x, ay = a / x, bx = b % x, by = b / x;
return a != b && Math.abs(ax - bx) == Math.abs(ay - by);

关于Android - 从位置 A(索引)检查位置 B(索引)是否在 GridView 布局中与它成对角线,而不管是否接近,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22492308/

30 4 0
Walker 123
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