sách gpt4 ăn đã đi

CSS 组织/结构

In lại 作者:技术小花猫 更新时间:2023-10-29 11:37:54 27 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike

我一直致力于寻找组织 CSS 代码的最佳方式,尤其是在大型网站上。我对编写风格不太感兴趣,而对人们如何构建和管理他们的代码更感兴趣。


1. =reset
Anything but * reset

2. =base
Base rules so naked HTML has basic style and displays consistently x-browser

3. =base forms
Base form framework

4. =base site
Rules common across the majority of pages
e.g. header, footer, main columns, navigation, search bar etc.

5. =recurring styles
Re-useable snippets -- not to include positioning / structure etc.
e.g. buttons, icons etc.

6. =recurring modules
Re-usable modules common to multiple pages/views but not majority
e.g. a product carousel could be on the homepage as well as the product page and maybe even the checkout page etc.

7. =homepage
contains rules only applicable to homepage

8. =about page
contains rules only applicable to about page

9. =contact page
contains rules only applicable to contact page

...and so on



câu trả lời hay nhất

我的基本格式是在顶部添加 block 评论,并使用标题评论(与您的类似)深入到主要区域。

* Title of the site
* Author
* Date created
* Last updated
* 1-2 line description of what the style sheet is for.

/* Reset (probably imported)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* A Framework (probably imported)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
I like YUI Grids

/* Global
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Styles for basic elements like: body, h1-h6, p, ul, li, ..., and often a wrapper.

/* Header
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Any styles specifically for the header block (this is usually short)

/* Body
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Basic layout for the main body block

/* Footer
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Similar to header

/* Utility Classes
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Things like
.align-center { text-align: center; };
.hide { display: none !important; }

/* Specific Pages
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Those are my usual subsections (separated by 2 line breaks). Beyond that, short
rules that only apply to a certain page or subset of pages will get a section like
cái này.



div#left-col { ... }

* html #left-col { ... }

#left-col p { ... }

#left-col ul { ... }

* html #left-col ul { ... }

#left-col li { ... }

*但是keep rules efficient包含在选择器中的后代数量。通常,我会写:

div#left-col li span { font-weight: bold; }

thay thế:

div#left-col ul li a span { font-weight: bold; }



thân hình {
color: #ccc;
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
padding: 2em;
-webkit-something: some value;

将短规则折叠为 1 行(如果它不影响可维护性)。

div#left { float: left; margin-top: 30px; width: 300px; }

关于CSS 组织/结构,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3251321/

27 4 0
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