我有一个指向结构的指针数组,我正在尝试使用它们进行 while 循环。我对如何准确初始化它并不完全有信心,但我一直这样做:
Entry *newEntry = malloc(sizeof(Entry));
我有另一个函数,它是测试代码,如果数组中的点具有填充值或 null
Entry* current = hashTable->table[val];
while(current != NULL){
我只是使用 Entry *current 基本上作为临时变量来引用数组中存储的任何内容。这样做时,我收到 valgrind 错误: 条件跳转或移动取决于未初始化的值
我必须以某种方式初始化它吗?我想做的就是存储对数组中该点的引用..它可能为空,也可能不为空,如果它不为空,则执行 while 循环
编辑-我有每个 Entry 结构的指针数组,我使用此代码对其进行初始化。我希望这是正确的方法。
Entry** arrayOfPointers;
arrayOfPointers = malloc(arraySize* sizeof(Entry*));
//create arry of pointers
Entry** arrayOfPointers;
arrayOfPointers = malloc(arraySize* sizeof(Entry*));
//create elements at certain indexs in array
Entry *newEntry = malloc(sizeof(Entry));
arrayOfPointers[1] = newEntry;
//this is the gist of what this does
//Search and do something when found something in array
//since the array is pretty big, theres going to be indexes when theres nothing
for(int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++){
//temp holder
Entry *temp = arrayOfPointers[i];
if(temp != NULL){
//Do Stuff
//This if statement is where the conditional jump or move error will be thrown
//not exactly sure what but somehow do not initialize temp correctly
malloc 可能会失败。因此您需要对其进行测试。
Entry *newEntry = malloc(sizeof(Entry));
if (newEntry != NULL)
/* Use it */
printf("error - malloc failed\n");
int elementCount = 1000;
Entry *newEntry = malloc(sizeof(Entry) * elementCount);
for (int z=0; z < elementCount; z++)
newEntry[z] = {whatever value is needed to do the initialization};
Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!