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multithreading - 获取/释放语义

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 17:44:52 26 4
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在回答 StoreStore reordering happens when compiling C++ for x86
@Peter Cordes 写过

For Acquire/Release semantics to give you the ordering you want, the last store has to be the release-store, and the acquire-load has to be the first load. That's why I made y a std::atomic, even though you're setting x to 0 or 1 more like a flag.


我已阅读 http://preshing.com/20120913/acquire-and-release-semantics以及。而这篇文章包含: nhập mô tả hình ảnh ở đây

并写道确保 r2 == 42 .我不明白为什么。在我看来,这是可能的:
1. Thread2 执行第一行。它是原子的,并且是 memory_order_acquire,因此必须在执行内存操作之前执行。
  • 现在,Thread2 执行第二行:int r2 = Ar2bình đẳng 0 .
  • 然后,Thread1 将执行他的代码。

  • 为什么我错了?

    1 Câu trả lời


    If we let both threads run and find that r1 == 1, that serves as confirmation that the value of A assigned in Thread 1 was passed successfully to Thread 2. As such, we are guaranteed that r2 == 42.

    aquire-release 语义只保证
  • A = 42hiện hữu Ready = 1 之后不会发生在线程 1
  • r2 = A之前不会发生 r1 = Ready在线程 2

  • Vì thế r1的值必须在线程 2 中检查以确保 MỘT已由线程 1 编写。问题中的场景确实可以发生,但是 r1sẽ là 0在这种情况下。

    关于multithreading - 获取/释放语义,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38437681/

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