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opengl - OpenGL 中的深度偏移

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 15:07:31 29 4
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在 OpenGL 中偏移深度的最佳方法是什么?我目前每个多边形都有索引顶点属性,我将其传递给 OpenGL 中的顶点着色器。我的目标是在深度上偏移多边形,其中最高索引始终位于较低索引的前面。我目前有这个简单的方法修改 gl_Position.z .

gl_Position.z += -index * 0.00001;

1 Câu trả lời

为深度设置自动偏移的常用方法是 glPolygonOffset(GLfloat factor,GLfloat units)

Khi GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL, GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE, or GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT is enabled, each fragment's depth value will be offset after it is interpolated from the depth values of the appropriate vertices. The value of the offset is factor * DZ + r * units, where DZ is a measurement of the change in depth relative to the screen area of the polygon, and r is the smallest value that is guaranteed to produce a resolvable offset for a given implementation. The offset is added before the depth test is performed and before the value is written into the depth buffer.

glPolygonOffset( 1.0, 1.0 );

如果要手动操作深度,则必须设置 gl_FragDepth在片段着色器中。

gl_FragDepth , Fragment Shader :

Available only in the fragment language, gl_FragDepth is an output variable that is used to establish the depth value for the current fragment. If depth buffering is enabled and no shader writes to gl_FragDepth, then the fixed function value for depth will be used (this value is contained in the z component of gl_FragCoord) otherwise, the value written to gl_FragDepth is used.

一般来说, gl_FragDepth计算如下(见 GLSL gl_FragCoord.z Calculation and Setting gl_FragDepth):
float ndc_depth = clip_space_pos.z / clip_space_pos.w;
gl_FragDepth = (((farZ-nearZ) * ndc_depth) + nearZ + farZ) / 2.0;


其中 16、24 或 32 位整数范围映射到深度值 [0, 1]。

另一方面,格式 GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F是 IEEE 754 标准 32 位浮点格式。

关于opengl - OpenGL 中的深度偏移,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45314290/

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