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Haskell primPutChar 定义

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 13:59:01 27 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我试图弄清楚基本的IO Haskell 函数是定义好的,所以我使用了this reference我到了putChar函数定义:

putChar :: Char -> IO ()
putChar = primPutChar

但是,现在我找不到关于此 primPutChar 的更多信息。随时随地发挥作用。也许它可能指的是预编译的函数,可作为共享对象的二进制文件?如果是这样,是否可以看到它的源代码?

1 Câu trả lời

Cái gìprim*phương pháp


Primitives that are not definable in Haskell , indicated by names starting with "prim", are defined in a system dependent manner in module PreludeBuiltin and are not shown here

Đây là Haskell2010 by the way 中仍然相同。 .

它是如何在 GHC 中实现的

但是,您可以 have a look at base 's source看看它是如何在 GHC 中实现的:
putChar :: Char -> IO ()
putChar c = hPutChar stdout c

从那里你将深入兔子洞。 hPutChar 如何知道怎么打印东西吗?好吧,它没有。它仅“缓冲”并检查您是否可以编写:
hPutChar :: Handle -> Char -> IO ()
hPutChar handle c = do
c `seq` return ()
wantWritableHandle "hPutChar" handle $ \ handle_ -> do
hPutcBuffered handle_ c

写作完成于 writeCharBuffer 它填充一个内部缓冲区,直到它被填满(或到达一行 - 它实际上取决于缓冲区模式):
writeCharBuffer h_@Handle__{..} !cbuf = do
-- much code omitted, like buffering
bbuf'' <- Buffered.flushWriteBuffer haDevice bbuf'
-- more code omitted, like buffering

那么 flushWriteBuffer 在哪里?定义?它实际上是 đầu ra chuẩn 的一部分:
stdout :: Handlestdout = unsafePerformIO $ do setBinaryMode FD.stdout enc <- getLocaleEncoding   mkHandle FD.stdout "" WriteHandle True (Just enc) nativeNewlineMode{-translate newlines-} (Just stdHandleFinalizer) Nothing
stdout :: FD
stdout = stdFD 1

文件描述符( FD )是 BufferedIO 的一个实例:
instance BufferedIO FD where
-- some code omitted
flushWriteBuffer fd buf = writeBuf' fd buf

writeBufsử dụng instance GHC.IO.Device.RawIO FD 's write ,最终 leads to :
writeRawBufferPtr loc !fd buf off len | isNonBlocking fd = unsafe_write -- unsafe is ok, it can't block | otherwise = do r <- unsafe_fdReady (fdFD fd) 1 0 0 if r /= 0 then write else do threadWaitWrite (fromIntegral (fdFD fd)); write where do_write call = fromIntegral `fmap` throwErrnoIfMinus1RetryMayBlock loc call (threadWaitWrite (fromIntegral (fdFD fd))) write = if threaded then safe_write else unsafe_write unsafe_write = do_write (c_write (fdFD fd) (buf `plusPtr` off) len) safe_write = do_write (c_safe_write (fdFD fd) (buf `plusPtr` off) len)

where we can see c_safe_writec_write, which are usually bindings to C library functions:

foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h write"
c_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize

所以, putCharsử dụng write .至少在 GHC 的实现中。然而,该报告不需要该实现,因此允许另一个编译器/运行时使用其他功能。


GHC 的实现使用 write 使用内部缓冲区来写入内容,包括单个字符。

关于Haskell primPutChar 定义,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34492110/

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