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mariadb - Entity Framework Core + MariaDB - 导航属性为空

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 02:13:34 25 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我有一个使用 MariaDB 中的表定义的多对多关系。我正在尝试将 Entity Framework Core 中的导航属性用于相关实体,但它们没有水合。

| role_id | role_name |
| 1 | Role-A |
| 2 | Role-B |
| group_id | group_name |
| 1 | Group-A |
| 2 | Group-B |
| role_to_group_id | role_id | group_id |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 2 | 2 |

[Table(name: "role_to_group")]
public class RoleToGroup
[Column(name: "role_to_group_id")]
public long RoleToGroupId { get; set; }

[Column(name: "role_id")]
public int RoleId { get; set; }

[Column(name: "group_id")]
public int UserGroupId { get; set; }

public Role Role { get; set; }
public UserGroup UserGroup { get; set; }
[Include]是一个自定义属性,用于使用类似于 DbContext.Set().Include("property_name") 的模式来补充导航属性。通过对 T 进行反射的扩展方法并查找所有具有属性 [Include] 的属性在他们身上定义。

但是,我无法让它正常工作。导航属性 RoleUserGroup返回空值。


1 Câu trả lời

问题可能是 EF Core 不会自动执行延迟加载。 (Documentation about how to implement lazy loading).

安装这些 NuGet 包时:

  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Proxies
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational

  • 并启用延迟加载,例如:
        public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
    optionsBuilder.UseMySQL(@"User Id=root;Host=localhost;Database=Test;");


    public DbSet UserGroups { get; set; }
    public DbSet Roles { get; set; }
    public DbSet RoleToGroups { get; set; }

            using (var context = new MyDbContext())
    var roleGroup1 = context.RoleToGroups.First();
    Console.WriteLine(roleGroup1.Role.Name); //Role-A
    Console.WriteLine(roleGroup1.UserGroup.Name); //Group-A

    [Table(name: "role_to_group")]
    public class RoleToGroup
    [Column(name: "role_to_group_id")]
    public int RoleToGroupId { get; set; }

    [Column(name: "role_id")]
    public int RoleId { get; set; }

    [Column(name: "group_id")]
    public int UserGroupId { get; set; }

    public virtual Role Role { get; set; } //must be virtual
    public virtual UserGroup UserGroup { get; set; }//must be virtual

    [Table(name: "roles")]
    public class Role
    [Column(name: "role_id")]
    public int RoleId { get; set; }

    [Column(name: "role_name")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [Table(name: "groups")]
    public class UserGroup
    [Column(name: "group_id")]
    public int GroupId { get; set; }

    [Column(name: "group_name")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    作为延迟加载的替代方法,可以从同一个 doc 使用手动急切或显式加载。 .

    关于mariadb - Entity Framework Core + MariaDB - 导航属性为空,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56124947/

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