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在 Jenkins Pipeline 中,如何将工件从以前的构建复制到当前构建?
1 Câu trả lời
Stuart Rowe 还在 Pipeline Authoring Sig Gitter channel 上向我推荐了我查看 Copy Artifact Plugin,但也给了我一些示例 Jenkins Pipeline syntax to use .
根据他给出的建议,我想出了这个更完整的 Pipeline 示例
pipeline {
agent any;
stages {
stage("Zeroth stage") {
steps {
script {
if (currentBuild.previousBuild) {
thử {
copyArtifacts(projectName: currentBuild.projectName,
selector: specific("${currentBuild.previousBuild.number}"))
def previousFile = readFile(file: "usefulfile.txt")
echo("The current build is ${currentBuild.number}")
echo("The previous build artifact was: ${previousFile}")
} catch(err) {
// ignore error
stage("First stage") {
steps {
writeFile(file: "usefulfile.txt", text: "This file ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} is useful, need to archive it.")
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'usefulfile.txt')
stage("Error") {
steps {
关于Jenkins 管道,如何将工件从以前的构建复制到当前构建?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54382949/
Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!