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ftp - FileZilla 中的目录列表失败

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 11:03:27 25 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

关闭。这个问题不满足Hướng dẫn của Stack Overflow .Câu hỏi này không liên quan đến chủ đề. Hiện tại không chấp nhận câu trả lời.

想改善这个问题吗?更新问题,使其成为 đúng chủ đề对于堆栈溢出。

10 个月前关闭。

Cải thiện câu hỏi này

我正在尝试使用 Filezilla 连接到 FTP 服务器。当我使用宽带时它正在工作,但是当我使用我的大学互联网时,它说:

Error: Connection timed out
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing


Status: Resolving address of where2service.com
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
Response: 220-You are user number 22 of 500 allowed.
Response: 220-Local time is now 05:09. Server port: 21.
Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
Command: USER where2service
Response: 331 User where2service OK. Password required
Command: PASS ***********
Response: 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters.
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/" is your current location
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Command: PORT 192,168,126,200,228,90
Response: 200 Port command successful.
Command: MLSD
Response: 150 Accepted data connection
Response: 226-Options: -a -l
Response: 226 18 matches total
Error: Connection timed out

Status: Resolving address of where2service.com
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
Response: 220-You are user number 20 of 500 allowed.
Response: 220-Local time is now 05:13. Server port: 21.
Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
Command: USER where2service
Response: 331 User where2service OK. Password required
Command: PASS ***********
Response: 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters.
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/" is your current location
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (166,62,2,1,174,209)
Command: MLSD
Response: 150 Accepted data connection
Response: 226-Options: -a -l
Response: 226 18 matches total
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

1 Câu trả lời

将我的加密更新为“ 仅使用普通 FTP(不安全)”后它工作正常

关于ftp - FileZilla 中的目录列表失败,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20949859/

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