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我找不到 Somaliland 的两个字母的国家/地区缩写,可能是因为它不是一个国家,而是正如维基百科所说:“一个未被承认的 self 宣布的事实上的主权国家,被国际承认为索马里的一个自治区”。尽管如此,它仍然占用 map 上的空间。
这看起来不像是一个编程问题,但事实确实如此。我正在使用jvectormap jQuery 插件,它解释了这个区域并为其分配了缩写“_3”来代替两个字母的缩写。问题是,为了使用我的代码使 jvector map 功能正确,我需要将 Somaliland 输入到我们的数据库中,但我不想使用“_3”作为其缩写,而且我也不想只是做一些事情向上。
1 Câu trả lời
索马里的两个字母国家代码是VÌ THẾ。 ISO在2013年7月收到“联合国全名通知”后将其添加到ISO 3166中。参见Somalia in ISO's Online Browsing Platform .
hiện hữu Country Codes Collection ,SO 有一个绿色代码表示“官方分配的代码元素”。
ISO 国家代码集合中没有索马里兰的条目。维基百科文章 ISO 3166-2:SO (即索马里的国家代码)规定 - 未引用来源 -
The autonomous regions of Somaliland Và Puntland (the former of which claims independence but is not recognized by any nation) each span several regions and have no separate codes.
根据 ISO 注册表,这似乎是正确的。 jVectorMap索马里兰代码为XS;在 ISO 注册表定义中,以 X 开头的两个字母代码是“用户分配的代码元素”。在 jVectorMap 上下文中,对索马里兰使用 XS 似乎是安全的,但不能保证其他库或程序将使用相同的两字母代码。
索马里兰未被 Nations Online Project 列出要么。
记者约书亚·基廷 (Joshua Keating) 访问索马里兰后,在 The Guardian of 20 July 2018 中写道:
(...), according to the US Department of State, the United Nations, the African Union and every other government on Earth, I was not in Somaliland, a poor but stable and mostly functional country on the Horn of Africa. I was in Somalia.(...)
As Somalilanders will often remind you, it was, in the past, an independent country, fully recognised by the international community, including the UN. But this halcyon period lasted less than a week. On 26 June 1960, the former Protectorate of Somaliland became fully independent from British rule, its independence recognised by 35 countries around the world, including the US. The next day, its new legislature passed a law approving a union with the south. On 1 July, Somalia became independent from Italy, and the two were joined together. It is a decision Somaliland has regretted almost ever since.
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关于standards - 索马里兰国家缩写,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16170385/
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