sách gpt4 ai đã đi

Bộ chọn [thuộc tính|=giá trị] và [thuộc tính*=giá trị] của CSS

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 15:15:38 35 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

为什么我们需要CSS [attribute|=value] Selector根本当 CSS3 [attribute*=value] Selector基本上完成相同的事情,浏览器兼容性几乎相似?是否存在第一个 CSS 选择器可以执行而第二个 CSS 选择器无法执行的操作?这是第一次遇到两个非常相似的选择器,并且想知道为什么第一个选择器存在。

1 Câu trả lời


[attr|=value] Represents an element with an attribute name of attr. Its value can be exactly “value” or can begin with “value” immediately followed by “-” (U+002D). It can be used for language subcode matches.

[attr*=value] Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and whose value contains at least one occurrence of string "value" as substring.



/* Any span in Chinese is red, matches simplified (zh-CN) or traditional (zh-TW) */
span[lang|="zh"] {color: red;}


/* All links to with "example" in the url have a grey background */
a[href*="example"] {background-color: #CCCCCC;}


div[color|="red"] {
background: red;
div[color*="blue"] {
color: blue;

This shoud has only red background

This shoud has only blue color

This shoud has blue color and red background

This shoud be only blue color


Attribute selectors

关于CSS [属性|=值] 与 [属性*=值] 选择器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29918932/

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