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1 Câu trả lời
Ceph supports write-back caching for RBD. To enable it, add rbd cache = true to the [client] section of your
file. By defaultlibrbd
does not perform any caching. Writes and reads go directly to the storage cluster, and writes return only when the data is on disk on all replicas. With caching enabled, writes return immediately, unless there are more thanrbd cache max dirty
unflushed bytes. In this case, the write triggers writeback and blocks until enough bytes are flushed.
rbd cache
= RBD缓存大小(以字节为单位)。 |类型: bool(boolean) 值,必填:否,默认值:false
rbd cache size
=为RADOS块设备(RBD)启用缓存。 |类型:64位整数,必填:否,默认值:32 MiB
rbd cache max dirty
限制(以字节为单位)。 |如果是
rbd cache size
,默认值:24 MiB
rbd cache target dirty
dirty target
。不阻止写入缓存。 |类型:64位整数,必需:否,约束:必须小于
rbd cache max dirty
,默认值:16 MiB
rbd cache max dirty age
=开始写回之前,脏数据在高速缓存中的秒数。 |类型:Float,必填:否,默认值:1.0
rbd cache writethrough until flush
=以直写模式开始,并在收到第一个刷新请求后切换回写。启用此设置是一种保守但安全的设置,以防在rbd上运行的VM太旧而无法发送刷新,例如2.6.32之前的Linux中的virtio驱动程序。 |类型: bool(boolean) 值,必填:否,默认值:false
关于kubernetes - Ceph libRBD缓存控制,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59710481/
Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!