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shared class AOuterClass() {
Integer val = 3;
shared interface AInterface {
shared Integer val => outer.val;
void test() {
AOuterClass o = AOuterClass();
object impl satisfies ???.AInterface{}
Tôi nghĩ object impl 满足 o.AInterface{}
1 Câu trả lời
ceylon 规范说 ( section 4.5.4 Class Inheritance ):
A subclass of a nested class must be a member of the type that declares the nested class or of a subtype of the type that declares the nested class. A class that satisfies a nested interface must be a member of the type that declares the nested interface or of a subtype of the type that declares the nested interface.
这并没有直接提到sự vật
声明,但这些只是类定义的快捷方式,稍后将在Anonymous classes中详细说明。 :
The following declaration:
shared my object red extends Color('FF0000') {
string => "Red";
}Is exactly equivalent to:
shared final class \Ired of red extends Color {
shared new red extends Color('FF0000') {}
string => "Red";
shared my \Ired red => \Ired.red;Where
is the type name assigned by the compiler.
AOuterClass.AInterface test(){
object o extends AOuterClass() {
shared object impl satisfies AInterface{}
return o.impl;
当然,这不适用于现有的 AOuterClass 对象,仅适用于新创建的对象。看到这允许访问对象的私有(private)值,这似乎是一件好事。
关于interface - 实现内部非静态接口(interface),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45358498/
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Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!