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locking - RabbitMQ 远程过程调用 : Exclusive queues locking @ PHP

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 01:16:10 hai mươi bốn 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我正在尝试使用类似于此示例的 RabbitMQ 在 PHP 上构建 RPC 服务:http://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-six-java.html我正在使用这个 PECL 扩展:http://pecl.php.net/package/amqp (版本 1.0.3)

问题是当我向服务器添加标志 AMQP_EXCLUSIVE 时,我的回调队列(在客户端脚本中声明)被锁定.


// connect to server
$cnn = new AMQPConnection('...');
$channel = new AMQPChannel($cnn);
// create exchange
$exchangeName = 'k-exchange';
$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);

// declare queue to consume messages from
$queue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);

// start consuming messages
$queue->consume(function($envelope, $queue)
use ($channel, $exchange) {

// create callback queue
$callbackQueue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);
$callbackQueue->setFlags(AMQP_EXCLUSIVE); // set EXCLUSIVE flag

/* WARNING: Following code line causes error. See rabbit logs below:
* connection <0.1224.10>, channel 1 - error:
* {amqp_error,resource_locked,
* "cannot obtain exclusive access to locked queue 'amq.gen-Q6J...' in vhost '/'",
* 'queue.bind'}
$callbackQueue->bind($exchange->getName(), 'rpc_reply');

// trying to publish response back to client's callback queue
json_encode(array('processed by remote service!')),



// connect to server
$cnn = new AMQPConnection('...');
$channel = new AMQPChannel($cnn);
// create exchange
$exchangeName = 'k-exchange';
$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);

// create a queue which we send messages to server via
$queue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);

// binding exchange to queue
$queue->bind($exchangeName, 'temp_action');

// create correlation_id
$correlationId = sha1(time() . rand(0, 1000000));

// create anonymous callback queue to get server response response via
$callbackQueue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);
$callbackQueue->setFlags(AMQP_EXCLUSIVE); // set EXCLUSIVE flag

// publishing message to exchange (passing it to server)
json_encode(array('process me!')),
'reply_to' => $callbackQueue->getName(), // pass callback queue name
'correlation_id' => $correlationId

// going to wait for remote service complete tasks. tick once a second
$attempts = 0;
while ($attempts < 5)
echo 'Attempt ' . $attempts . PHP_EOL;
$envelope = $callbackQueue->get();
if ($envelope) {
echo 'Got response! ';
echo PHP_EOL;


所以最后我只在 RabbitMQ 的日志中看到错误:

connection <0.1224.10>, channel 1 - error:
"cannot obtain exclusive access to locked queue 'amq.gen-Q6J...' in vhost '/'",

问题:在 Server.php 中创建回调队列对象的正确方法是什么?看来我的 Server.php 与 RabbitMQ 服务器的连接不同于 Client.php。我应该在这里做什么?我应该如何在 Server.php 端“共享”相同的(到 Client.php 的)连接。

làm mới这里有更多的 RabbitMQ 日志

我的 Server.php 连接(Id 是:<0.22322.27>)

=INFO REPORT==== 20-Jun-2012::13:30:22 ===
accepting AMQP connection <0.22322.27> ( ->

我的 Client.php 连接(Id 是:<0.22465.27>)

=INFO REPORT==== 20-Jun-2012::13:30:38 ===
accepting AMQP connection <0.22465.27> ( ->

现在我看到 Server.php 导致错误:

=ERROR REPORT==== 20-Jun-2012::13:30:38 ===
connection <0.22322.27>, channel 1 - error:
"cannot obtain exclusive access to locked queue 'amq.gen-g6Q...' in vhost '/'",

我的假设我怀疑由于 Client.php 和 Server.php 不共享具有相同 ID 的连接,因此它们不可能都使用 Client.php 中声明的独占队列

1 Câu trả lời


  1. 交换声明
  2. 手动设置回复队列反对使用临时队列


您无需声明交换 (AMQPExchange) 即可发布消息。在此 RPC 示例中,您需要将其用作广播消息的方式(例如临时队列或临时交换)。所有通信都将直接在 QUEUE 上进行,理论上会绕过交换。

$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);


当您将 AMQPQueue::setName() 与 AMQPQueue::declare() 一起使用时,您将绑定(bind)到一个具有用户定义名称的队列。如果您声明的队列没有名称,则称为临时队列。当您需要从特定路由键接收广播消息时,这很有用。为此,RabbitMQ/AMQP 生成一个随机的临时名称。由于队列名称是为给定实例专门使用信息而创建的,因此为了自身的利益,它会在连接关闭时被处理掉。

当 RPC 客户端想要发布消息 (AMQPExchange::publish()) 时,它必须将回复指定为发布参数之一。这样,RPC 服务器在收到请求时就可以获取随机生成的名称。它使用回复名称作为 QUEUE 的名称,服务器将在该 QUEUE 上回复给定的客户端。除了临时队列名称,实例还必须发送一个 correlationId 以确保它收到的回复消息对于请求实例是唯一的。

RabbitMQ Tutorial Six Diagram


$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);

$rpcServerQueueName = 'rpc_queue';

$client_queue = new AMQPQueue($this->channel);
$callbackQueueName = $client_queue->getName(); //e.g. amq.gen-JzTY20BRgKO-HjmUJj0wLg

//Set Publish Attributes
$corrId = uniqid();
$attributes = array(
'correlation_id' => $corrId,
'reply_to' => $this->callbackQueueName

json_encode(['request message']),

//listen for response
$callback = function(AMQPEnvelope $message, AMQPQueue $q) {
if($message->getCorrelationId() == $this->corrId) {
$this->response = $message->getBody();
return false; //return false to signal to consume that you're done. other wise it continues to block


máy chủ

$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);

$rpcServerQueueName = 'rpc_queue';

$srvr_queue = new AMQPQueue($channel);
$srvr_queue->setName($rpcServerQueueName); //intentionally declares the rpc_server queue name
$srvr_queue->consume(function(AMQPEnvelope $message, AMQPQueue $q) use (&$exchange) {

//publish with the exchange instance to the reply to queue
json_encode(['response message']), //reponse message
$message->getReplyTo(), //get the reply to queue from the message
AMQP_NOPARAM, //disable all other params
$message->getCorrelationId() //obtain and respond with correlation id

//acknowledge receipt of the message


在这种情况下,EXCLUSIVE 仅用于每个实例的 Rpc 客户端临时队列,以便它可以发布消息。换句话说,客户端为自己创建一个一次性的临时队列,专门从 RPC 服务器接收一个应答。这确保没有其他 channel 线程可以在该队列上发布。它仅对客户端及其响应者锁定。请务必注意,AQMP_EXCLUSIVE 不会阻止 RPC 服务器响应客户端的回复队列。 AMQP_EXCLUSIVE 与尝试发布到同一队列资源的两个独立线程( channel 实例)有关。发生这种情况时,队列实质上已为后续连接锁定。交换声明也会发生相同的行为。


不好 - 不要在服务器中重新声明队列。那是客户的工作

$callbackQueue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);
$callbackQueue->setFlags(AMQP_EXCLUSIVE); // set EXCLUSIVE flag
$callbackQueue->bind($exchange->getName(), 'rpc_reply');

您正在尝试绑定(bind)到名为 tempQueue 的 QUEUE。但是您已经在 client.php 中创建了一个名为 tempQueue 的队列。根据先启动哪个服务,另一个将抛出错误。所以你可以去掉所有这些,只保留最后一部分:

// trying to publish response back to client's callback queue
json_encode(array('processed by remote service!')),
'rpc_reply', //<--BAD Should be: $envelope->getReplyTo()






// create a queue which we send messages to server via
$queue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);
//$queue->setName('tempQueue'); //remove this line
//add exclusivity

//no need for binding... we're communicating on the queue directly
//there is no one listening to 'temp_action' so this implementation will send your message into limbo
//$queue->bind($exchangeName, 'temp_action'); //remove this line

关于locking - RabbitMQ 远程过程调用 : Exclusive queues locking @ PHP,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11104004/

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