sách gpt4 ai đã đi

ios - Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "Không thể hoàn tất thao tác" {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16976 "(null)"}

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 16:02:08 34 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我正在 Swift3 iOS 中开发视频应用程序。基本上我必须将视频 Assets 和音频与淡入淡出效果合并为一个并将其保存到 iPhone 画廊。为此,我使用以下方法:

private func doMerge(arrayVideos:[AVAsset], arrayAudios:[AVAsset], animation:Bool, completion:@escaping Completion) -> Void {

var insertTime = kCMTimeZero
var audioInsertTime = kCMTimeZero
var arrayLayerInstructions:[AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstruction] = []
var outputSize = CGSize.init(width: 0, height: 0)

// Determine video output size
for videoAsset in arrayVideos {
let videoTrack = videoAsset.tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo)[0]

let assetInfo = orientationFromTransform(transform: videoTrack.preferredTransform)
var videoSize = videoTrack.naturalSize
if assetInfo.isPortrait == true {
videoSize.width = videoTrack.naturalSize.height
videoSize.height = videoTrack.naturalSize.width
outputSize = videoSize

// Init composition
let mixComposition = AVMutableComposition.init()

for index in 0..
// Get video track
guard let videoTrack = arrayVideos[index].tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo).first else { continue }

// Get audio track
var audioTrack:AVAssetTrack?
if index < arrayAudios.count {
if arrayAudios[index].tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeAudio).count > 0 {
audioTrack = arrayAudios[index].tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeAudio).first
// Init video & audio composition track
let videoCompositionTrack = mixComposition.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo, preferredTrackID: Int32(kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid))

let audioCompositionTrack = mixComposition.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeAudio, preferredTrackID: Int32(kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid))

let startTime = kCMTimeZero
let duration = arrayVideos[index].duration

// Add video track to video composition at specific time
try videoCompositionTrack.insertTimeRange(CMTimeRangeMake(startTime, duration), of: videoTrack, at: insertTime)

// Add audio track to audio composition at specific time
var audioDuration = kCMTimeZero
if index < arrayAudios.count {
audioDuration = arrayAudios[index].duration

if let audioTrack = audioTrack {
try audioCompositionTrack.insertTimeRange(CMTimeRangeMake(startTime, audioDuration), of: audioTrack, at: audioInsertTime)
catch {

// Add instruction for video track
let layerInstruction = videoCompositionInstructionForTrack(track: videoCompositionTrack, asset: arrayVideos[index], standardSize: outputSize, atTime: insertTime)

// Hide video track before changing to new track
let endTime = CMTimeAdd(insertTime, duration)

if animation {
let timeScale = arrayVideos[index].duration.timescale
let durationAnimation = CMTime.init(seconds: 1, preferredTimescale: timeScale)

layerInstruction.setOpacityRamp (fromStartOpacity: 1.0, toEndOpacity: 0.0, timeRange: CMTimeRange.init(start: endTime, duration: durationAnimation))
else {
layerInstruction.setOpacity(0, at: endTime)


// Increase the insert time
audioInsertTime = CMTimeAdd(audioInsertTime, audioDuration)
insertTime = CMTimeAdd(insertTime, duration)
catch {
print("Load track error")

// Main video composition instruction
let mainInstruction = AVMutableVideoCompositionInstruction()
mainInstruction.timeRange = CMTimeRangeMake(kCMTimeZero, insertTime)
mainInstruction.layerInstructions = arrayLayerInstructions

// Main video composition
let mainComposition = AVMutableVideoComposition()
mainComposition.instructions = [mainInstruction]
mainComposition.frameDuration = CMTimeMake(1, 30)
mainComposition.renderSize = outputSize

// Export to file
let path = NSTemporaryDirectory().appending("mergedVideo.mp4")
let exportURL = URL.init(fileURLWithPath: path)

// Remove file if existed

// Init exporter
let exporter = AVAssetExportSession.init(asset: mixComposition, presetName: AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality)
exporter?.outputURL = exportURL
exporter?.outputFileType = AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie//AVFileType.mp4
exporter?.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse = false //true
exporter?.videoComposition = mainComposition

// Do export
exporter?.exportAsynchronously(completionHandler: {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.exportDidFinish(exporter: exporter, videoURL: exportURL, completion: completion)


fileprivate func exportDidFinish(exporter:AVAssetExportSession?, videoURL:URL, completion:@escaping Completion) -> Void {
if exporter?.status == AVAssetExportSessionStatus.completed {
print("Exported file: \(videoURL.absoluteString)")
else if exporter?.status == AVAssetExportSessionStatus.failed {

print(exporter?.error as Any)

问题:在我的 exportDidFinish 方法中,AVAssetExportSessionStatus 失败并显示以下错误消息:

Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-16976), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed, NSUnderlyingError=0x1c065fb30 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16976 "(null)"}}


1 Câu trả lời

我有完全相同的错误,并且仅在运行 iOS11 的 iPhone 5S 模拟器上。我通过将导出操作的质量设置从“最高”(AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality)更改为 来修复它“通过”(AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough) (保持原始质量):

/// try to start an export session and set the path and file type
if let exportSession = AVAssetExportSession(asset: mixComposition, presetName: AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough) { /* AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality */
exportSession.outputURL = videoOutputURL
exportSession.outputFileType = AVFileType.mp4
exportSession.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse = true

exportSession.exportAsynchronously(completionHandler: {
switch exportSession.status {
case .failed:
if let _error = exportSession.error {
// !!!used to fail over here with 11800, -16976 codes, if using AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality. But works fine when using: AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough

希望这对某人有所帮助,因为该错误代码和消息不提供任何信息。这只是一个“未知错误”。除了更改质量设置之外,我还会尝试更改其他设置并剥离导出操作以识别该操作中可能失败的特定组件。 (某些特定的图像、音频或视频 Assets )。当你有这样一个普遍的错误信息时,最好使用消除的过程,每次将代码减半,在对数时间内得到问题。

关于ios - 错误域=AVFoundationErrorDomain 代码=-11800 "The operation could not be completed"{错误域=NSOSStatusErrorDomain 代码=-16976 "(null)"},我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51239586/

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