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这是 CS113 的实验室。
如果用户在程序(二进制计算器)结束时选择继续,我们需要使用 goto 语句来到达程序的顶部。
int chính()
struct cpu_t *cpu = NULL;
cpu = NULL;
cpu = malloc(sizeof(struct cpu_t));
if(!cpu) /* Error check malloc for CPU */
printf("Sorry! Malloc failed to allocate space for the CPU!\n");
struct bit_t *temp1 = cpu->r1_head;
struct bit_t *temp2 = cpu->r2_head;
struct bit_t *temp3 = cpu->r3_head;
/* Setting all flags to 0 by default */
cpu->overflow = 0;
cpu->carry = 0;
cpu->sign = 0;
cpu->parity = 0;
cpu->zero = 0;
char buffer[128];
char unsign; /* Holds a char: 0 for signed, 1 for unsigned */
char *expression = NULL; /* Binary expression */
char *e1 = NULL; /* Holds the first part of the expression */
char op; /* Holds the operand */
char *e2 = NULL; /* Holds the second part of the expression */
char ans; /* y if user wants to continue, else ends program */
int temp = 0; /* Used for printing separating dashes */
int one_count = 0; /* Number of ones in the result */
printf("\nPlease enter the word size: ");
fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin);
cpu->word_size = atoi(buffer); /* atoi takes a pointer, don't dereference buffer*/
while(cpu->word_size < 1 || cpu->word_size > 64) /* Error check word size */
printf("Error: Word size must be between 1 and 64. \n");
printf("Enter a new word size: \n");
fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin);
cpu->word_size = atoi(buffer);
printf("Are the values unsigned? [Y/N]: ");
unsign = *fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin); /* fgets returns address to data, must be dereferenced */
case 'y':
case 'Y':
cpu->unsign = 1;
phá vỡ;
case 'n':
case 'N':
cpu->unsign = 0;
phá vỡ;
printf("Please enter the binary expression: ");
expression = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin); /* Stores expression in string */
e1 = strtok(expression, " "); /* Breaks off first number*/
switch(check_string(cpu, e1)) /* Error check first string */
case 1:
printf("Error in input: Length of operand greater than word size. \n");
printf("Error in first operand. Retry. \n");
goto top;
case 2:
printf("Error in input: Something other than a 1 or 0 entered. \n");
printf("Error in first operand. Retry. \n");
goto top;
mặc định:
phá vỡ;
e1 = zero_pad(cpu, e1); /* Zero pads first number */
op = *strtok(NULL, " "); /* Operation (+, -, ^, &, |) */
e2 = strtok(NULL, " \n"); /* Original string had \n at end. Otherwise length would be 1 over actual. */
switch(check_string(cpu, e2)) /* Error check second string */
case 1:
printf("Error in input: Length of operand greater than word size. \n");
printf("Error in second operand. Retry. \n");
goto top;
case 2:
printf("Error in input: Something other than a 1 or 0 entered. \n");
printf("Error in second operand. Retry. \n");
goto top;
mặc định:
phá vỡ;
e2 = zero_pad(cpu, e2); /* Zero pads second number */
create_r1(cpu, e1);
create_r2(cpu, e2);
case '+':
phá vỡ;
case '-':
op = '+';
complement(cpu); /* Turns second expression into 2's complement of itself */
phá vỡ;
case '&':
phá vỡ;
case '|':
phá vỡ;
case '^':
phá vỡ;
mặc định:
printf("Error in operator. Please retry. \n");
goto top;
temp1 = cpu->r1_head;
temp2 = cpu->r2_head;
temp3 = cpu->r3_head;
/* Print the first register */
printf("%d", temp1->n);
temp1 = temp1->next;
/* Print operator */
printf("%c\n", op);
/* Print second register */
printf("%d", temp2->n);
temp2 = temp2->next;
/* Print spacing dashes */
while(temp < (cpu->word_size))
/* Print third register (stores answer) */
printf("%d", temp3->n);
temp3 = temp3->next;
/* Flag handling */
/* Reset temp variables */
temp1 = cpu->r1_head;
temp2 = cpu->r2_head;
temp3 = cpu->r3_head;
/* Flag handling */
if(temp3->n == 1)
cpu->sign = 1;
if(temp3->n == 1)
temp3 = temp3->next;
if(one_count == 0)
cpu->zero = 1;
else if(one_count % 2 == 0)
cpu->parity = 1;
printf("Flags: \n");
printf("Overflow: %d \n", cpu->overflow);
printf("Carry: %d \n", cpu->carry);
printf("Sign: %d \n", cpu->sign);
printf("Parity: %d \n", cpu->parity);
printf("Zero: %d \n", cpu->zero);
printf("Decimal: %d \n", find_decimal(cpu));
printf("Do you want to continue? [Y/N] \n"); /* If not 'y' or 'Y', close program */
ans = *fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin);
/* Reset temps...again */
temp1 = cpu->r1_head;
temp2 = cpu->r2_head;
temp3 = cpu->r3_head;
/* Free all allocated memory */
/* Free zero_string */
if(ans == 'Y' || ans == 'y')
temp = 0;
goto top;
trả về 0;
1 Câu trả lời
也许您可以将 main 的开头更改为如下所示:
int chính() {
struct cpu_t *cpu = NULL;
if (cpu) {
cpu = NULL;
cpu = malloc(sizeof(struct cpu_t));
关于无法 malloc 然后转到程序顶部,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33928635/
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Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!