sách gpt4 ăn đã đi

c - gettimeofday 的奇怪行为

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-30 15:49:50 26 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike

我想获取一个线程进入临界区和另一个线程获得进入 ARM CortexA8 上同一临界区的权限之间耗时。为此,我一直在使用 C 语言中的 gettimeofday() 函数。

   void *Thread1_Routine (); //Create the Semaphore
void *Thread2_Routine (); //Wait for Thread1_Routine's Semaphore
void configured_malloc_behavior();
void Calc_Dif_Time (struct timeval *time1,struct timeval *time2);

//Definition to represent the time
typedef struct te_tim96
int64_t sec;
int32_t usec;
//Variables to save the time
struct timeval t1,t2;
//Variable to control the order enter Critical zone
char lock=0;
int count=0;

//Variable to make the create the mutex
pthread_mutex_t mutex;

int main (void)
//Variables define threads
pthread_t threadadd1, threadadd2;
pthread_attr_t attr1, attr2;
struct sched_param p1, p2;

//Configured malloc behavior

//Init the Thread
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);

//Define Threads
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr1, SCHED_FIFO);
p1.sched_priority= 98; //This is lower than Thread2
pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr1, &p1);
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr2, SCHED_FIFO);
p2.sched_priority= 99;
pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr2, &p2);
//End define Threads

//Init the gpio63 as Output
do Stuff()

//Create the threads
pthread_create(&threadadd1,&attr1,&Thread1_Routine, NULL);
pthread_create(&threadadd2,&attr2,&Thread2_Routine, NULL);

//Wait to end the Threads ()
pthread_join(threadadd1, NULL);
pthread_join(threadadd2, NULL);
trả về 0;

//Thread Producer
void *Thread1_Routine (void)
//Variable to write in gpio/value
char value=1;
while (count<>
sleep (3);
lock=lock+1; //Increment variable lock to indicate that the Thread Producer was done.
gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);

//Thread Consumer
void *Thread2_Routine (void)
//Variable to write in gpio/value
char value=0;
while (count<>
//Wait for the semaphore is free!!!!!
while (lock=0);
lock=lock-1; //Decrement variable lock to indicate that the Thread Producer was done.
gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);
Calc_Dif_Time(&t1, &t2); //Function to calculate the latency and plot it
count++; //To incremate the count of how many time goes the thread are made

void Calc_Dif_Time (struct timeval *time1,struct timeval *time2)
struct te_tim96 Tmeasure1, Tmeasure2;
double Elapsedtime;

//Part in sec to miliseconds
//Part in usec to miliseconds

//Work with the rest of the division to convert usec to miliseconds
printf("Time to create the Semaphore[%lld.%6ld] Time to take the Semaphore[%lld.%6ld] Elapsed Time [%f ms]\n", Tmeasure1.sec, Tmeasure1.usec, Tmeasure2.sec, Tmeasure2.usec, Elapsedtime);
Elapsedtime=0; //Reset Elapsedtime to the next measure



Time to create the Semaphore[0. 0] Time to take the Semaphore[4878.153276] Elapsed Time [4878153.276000 ms]

Time to create the Semaphore[0. 0] Time to take the Semaphore[4878.153886] Elapsed Time [4878153.886000 ms]

这个结果显示了我如何可能认为 t1 变量没有正确指向或者它被重新启动。但我不知道我在这种情况下忽略了,因为 t2 效果很好。



câu trả lời hay nhất

您的 trong khi 循环不会等待锁释放。当您执行 while (lock=0); 时,总会返回 0,并且您将立即结束循环,并且它也会弄乱您的锁定,因为您正在设置您的 lock 变量。您应该使用 while (lock == 0);

关于c - gettimeofday 的奇怪行为,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16086301/

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