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ios - 一旦计时器归零,如何使丢失标 checkout 现?

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 14:19:29 27 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike


class Game: SKScene {

let Ball = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Red.png")
var QuitOption = SKLabelNode()
var ScoreLabel = SKLabelNode()
var timesecond = Int(60)
var locked = false
var loseOption = SKLabelNode()
var winOption = SKLabelNode()
let whiteBall = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "whiteDot")
let showMessage = SKLabelNode()

override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {

backgroundColor = SKColor.whiteColor() // background for the display

self.physicsWorld.gravity = CGVectorMake(0, -9.8)

let SceneBody = SKPhysicsBody(edgeLoopFromRect: self.frame)
SceneBody.friction = 0
self.physicsBody = SceneBody

Ball.size = CGSize(width: 82, height: 82)
Ball.position = CGPoint(x: self.frame.size.width/2, y: self.frame.size.height*0.1)
Ball.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: 42)
Ball.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = true
Ball.physicsBody?.density = 10
Ball.physicsBody?.restitution = 0.1
Ball.physicsBody?.linearDamping = 0
Ball.name = "Ball"


QuitOption.text = "Quit"
QuitOption.fontName = "Noteworthy-Light"
QuitOption.fontColor = SKColor.redColor()
QuitOption.fontSize = 35
QuitOption.position = CGPoint(x: self.frame.size.width/2 - 160, y: self.frame.size.height*1 - 110)
QuitOption.name = "Quit"


ScoreLabel = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Noteworthy-Light")
ScoreLabel.fontColor = SKColor.redColor()
ScoreLabel.fontSize = 35 // The + will move it to the right side and - to the left side for more accuracy.
ScoreLabel.position = CGPoint(x: self.frame.size.width/2 + 160, y: self.frame.size.height/1 - 115) // position of ScoreLabelNode
ScoreLabel.name = "Score+"
ScoreLabel.hidden = false


whiteBall.size = CGSize(width: 55, height: 55)
whiteBall.position = CGPoint(x: self.frame.size.width/2, y: self.frame.size.height*0.8)
whiteBall.name = "whiteBall"


showMessage.fontName = "Noteworthy-Light"
showMessage.fontSize = 55
showMessage.fontColor = SKColor.whiteColor()
showMessage.text = "YOU LOSE!"
showMessage.position = CGPoint(x: self.frame.size.width/2, y: self.frame.size.height*0.7)
showMessage.zPosition = 100
showMessage.hidden = true
showMessage.name = "show Message"



// Making the ball jump after user touches ball

override func touchesBegan(touches: Set, withEvent event: UIEvent) {

var touch = touches.first as! UITouch
var location = touch.previousLocationInNode(self)
// var location = touch.locationInNode(self)
var node = self.nodeAtPoint(location)

if (node.name == "Quit"){

let myScene = GameScene(size: self.size)
myScene.scaleMode = scaleMode
let reveal = SKTransition.fadeWithDuration(1)
self.view?.presentScene(myScene, transition: reveal)


if (node.name == "Ball"){

for touch: AnyObject in touches {

let location = touch.locationInNode(self)

Ball.physicsBody?.allowsRotation = true
Ball.physicsBody?.velocity = CGVectorMake(0, 0)
Ball.physicsBody?.applyImpulse(CGVectorMake(0, 450))




self.locked = true

var actionrun = SKAction.waitForDuration(0.5)

var actionwait = SKAction.runBlock({


if self.timesecond == 60 {self.timesecond = 0}

self.ScoreLabel.text = "\(self.timesecond)"})

let loopAction = SKAction.repeatAction(SKAction.sequence([actionwait, actionrun]), count: 60)

ScoreLabel.runAction(loopAction, withKey: "scoreAction")

if (timesecond == 0){

showMessage.hidden = false





1 Câu trả lời


    if (timesecond == 0){

showMessage.hidden = false


...应该位于每秒运行的 block 中:

var actionwait = SKAction.runBlock({


if self.timesecond == 60 {self.timesecond = 0}

self.ScoreLabel.text = "\(self.timesecond)"

if (self.timesecond == 0){

showMessage.hidden = false


let loopAction = SKAction.repeatAction(SKAction.sequence([actionwait, actionrun]), count: 60)

ScoreLabel.runAction(loopAction, withKey: "scoreAction")

关于ios - 一旦计时器归零,如何使丢失标 checkout 现?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30668905/

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