我以下列方式使用 ref。那么当在第 5 种方法中创建一个新对象时,是否会一直访问 main 方法中的原始 emp 并在那里创建一个新对象?
如果是,有没有一种方法可以实现相同的功能而无需多次迭代,即它应该在第 5 种方法本身中创建一个新对象,并且更改也应该反射(reflect)在主要方法的 emp 中?
public static void Main(string[] args)
Employee emp=new Employee();
Program p=new Program();
p.Method1(ref emp);
public void Method1(ref Employee emp)
Method2(ref emp);
public void Method2(ref Employee emp)
Method3(ref emp);
public void Method3(ref Employee emp)
Method4(ref emp);
public void Method4(ref Employee emp)
Method5(ref emp);
public void Method5(ref Employee emp)
emp=new Employee();
does access goes all the way to the original emp in the main methodand create a new object there
if yes is there a way that i implement the same functionality without so many iterations
it should create a new object in the 5th method itself and the change should be reflected in the main methods' emp too?
// writes 20
- 您将容器传递给 Bob
- 谁把容器交给吉姆
- 最终传给了乔。
然后 Joe 决定自己制作馅饼并将其放入容器中,您原来的馅饼消失在以太中。
在这一点上,现在您nhu cầu做一些研究并阅读文档,请教您的老师或 friend ,做您需要做的任何事情。然而,问这类问题是多余的,当你编写一个程序时,你可能已经花了 15 年的时间来问一些你可以通过阅读弄清楚的基本问题。
ref (C# Reference)
When used in a method's parameter list, the ref keyword indicates thatan argument is passed by reference, not by value. The effect ofpassing by reference is that any change to the argument in the calledmethod is reflected in the calling method. For example, if the callerpasses a local variable expression or an array element accessexpression, and the called method replaces the object to which the refparameter refers, then the caller’s local variable or the array element now refers to the new object when the method returns.
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