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swift - truy cập đa luồng có thể thay đổi - bị hỏng

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-30 11:19:49 27 4
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我使用的“for 循环”会在后台触发大约 100 个 URL 请求,每个请求都位于其“DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async”队列中。

这些进程是异步的,一旦完成,它们就会更新“计数器”变量。该变量应该是多线程保护的,这意味着它总是从一个线程访问并且是同步访问的。但是,有些问题,有时两个线程会同时访问该变量,导致计数器无法正确更新。这是一个例子,假设我们有 5 个 URL 需要获取:

我们从 Counter 变量 5 开始。

1 个 URL 请求完成 -> 计数器 = 4

2 个 URL 请求完成 -> 计数器 = 3

3 个 URL 请求完成 -> 计数器 = 2

4 URL 请求完成(出于某种原因 - 我假设同时访问变量)-> 计数器 2

5 个 URL 请求完成 -> 计数器 = 1

正如您所看到的,这会导致计数器变为 1,而不是 0,从而影响代码的其他部分。此错误的发生不一致。


  1. 专用全局队列

//Background queue to syncronize data access fileprivate let globalBackgroundSyncronizeDataQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "globalBackgroundSyncronizeSharedData")

  • 变量始终通过访问器访问:
  • var numberOfFeedsToFetch_Value: Int = 0
    var numberOfFeedsToFetch: Int {
    set (newValue) {
    globalBackgroundSyncronizeDataQueue.sync() {
    self.numberOfFeedsToFetch_Value = newValue
    get {
    return globalBackgroundSyncronizeDataQueue.sync {



    câu trả lời hay nhất

    苹果论坛的回答:https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/322332#322332 :

    The individual accessors are thread safe, but an increment operation isn't atomic given how you've written the code. That is, while one thread is getting or setting the value, no other threads can also be getting or setting the value. However, there's nothing preventing thread A from reading the current value (say, 2), thread B reading the same current value (2), each thread adding one to this value in their private temporary, and then each thread writing their incremented value (3 for both threads) to the property. So, two threads incremented but the property did not go from 2 to 4; it only went from 2 to 3. You need to do the whole increment operation (get, increment the private value, set) in an atomic way such that no other thread can read or write the property while it's in progress.

    关于swift - 变量多线程访问 - 损坏,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51407597/

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