为什么在实例化通用外部类(连同内部类)时使用菱形运算符会在代码段 2 中产生错误,而代码段 1 却完全没问题?
片段 1:
class Outer {
class Inner {
class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Outer.Inner obj1 = new Outer().new Inner<>(); // fine !
Outer.Inner obj2 = new Outer().new Inner<>(); // fine !
片段 2:
class Outer {
class Inner {
class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Outer.Inner obj1 = new Outer<>().new Inner(); // fine !
Outer.Inner obj2 = new Outer<>().new Inner(); // error !
附言在 Eclipse 编译器上测试。
Outer.Inner obj2 = new Outer<>().new Inner(); // error !
JLS, section 15.9 ,关于钻石的说法:
A class instance creation expression specifies a class to be instantiated, possibly followed by type arguments (§4.5.1) or a diamond (<>) if the class being instantiated is generic
new Outer<>()
new Inner() // or more precisely, new Outer<>().new Inner()
在 15.9 节的末尾,它区分了这两个表达式:
A class instance creation expression is a poly expression (§15.2) if it uses the diamond form for type arguments to the class, and it appears in an assignment context or an invocation context (§5.2, §5.3). Otherwise, it is a standalone expression.
因此,第二个表达式是一个多边形表达式,这意味着它的类型取决于赋值上下文;但是第一个表达式,new Outer<>()
, 是一个独立的表达式:它的类型不受任何上下文的影响。
Outer.Inner obj2 = new Outer<>().new Inner();
很好,因为您使用的是 Outer
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