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javascript - 如何在 google maps api 中创建带有建议的 "did you mean"链接?

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-30 06:06:32 26 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike

我正在尝试使用 google maps api 制作一个 web 应用程序,它提供方向。现在,除非用户输入错误,否则它会给出很好的指示,它要么不显示任何内容,要么试图弄清楚并给出错误的地址。我想在无法识别地址的情况下提供“您的意思是”的功能,然后提出与您尝试输入的内容接近的建议。我在谷歌代码中找不到任何相关内容,但我想知道是否有人知道这是否可行,我该怎么做?

Cảm ơn!

câu trả lời hay nhất

loadFromWayPoints() 仅当提供给它的输入映射到地球上的任何确定点时才绘制折线。您可以通过以纬度和经度而不是地址的形式固定您的起点来避免功能困惑。然后使用以下函数,您可以创建如果为 toInput 返回多个点,则是否要指向 To point。


geo.getLocations(toInput, function (result){
if (result.Status.code == G_GEO_SUCCESS) {
// ===== If there was more than one result, "ask did you mean" on them all =====
if (result.Placemark.length > 1) {
document.getElementById("textualdirectionscontainer").innerHTML = "Did you mean:";
// Loop through the results
for (var i=0; i
var p = result.Placemark[i].Point.coordinates;
document.getElementById("textualdirectionscontainer").innerHTML += "
"+(i+1)+": "+ result.Placemark[i].address+"<\/a>";
// ===== If there was a single marker =====
khác {
document.getElementById("textualdirectionscontainer").innerHTML = "";
var p = result.Placemark[0].Point.coordinates;
toLatLang = new GLatLng(p[1], p[0]);
// place(p[1],p[0]);
directionsPanel = $('textualdirectionscontainer');
directionsPanel.getElements('div').each(function(item) {
directions.loadFromWaypoints([hotelLatLng.toString(), toLatLang.toString()], {getPolyline:true});
/*var gp = directions.getPolyline();
map.addOverlay(gp); */

关于javascript - 如何在 google maps api 中创建带有建议的 "did you mean"链接?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4159958/

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