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java - POI - Excel 不同 ID 的单独列

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-30 05:55:29 26 4
mua khóa gpt4 giày nike

我正在尝试从 mysql 获取数据并将其写入 Excel,条件如下,

  List getdata = reports.getReportData(); //This will return data from jdbcTemplate

getdata 包含如下数据,

    deviceId value date
T01 59 2-sep
T01 67 3-sep
T01 78 4-sep
T01 79 5-sep
T02 68 2-sep
T02 69 3-sep
T02 75 4-sep
T03 70 2-sep
T03 78 3-sep
T03 80 4-sep
T03 89 5-sep

class DataPosition {
public Integer colNum;
public Integer rowNum;

public DataPosition(Integer colNum,Integer rowNum) {
this.colNum = colNum;
this.rowNum = rowNum;

Map excelIds = new HashMap<>();
DataPosition position;
// Start at -2 so when it comes to the first value, you add 2 to place the column number to 0
Integer currentColNum = -2;
Integer currentRowNum;
HSSFRow row;
for (DataClass e: getdata) {
position = excelIds.get(e.getDeviceId());
if (position != null) {
// Add a new row
currentRowNum = position.rowNum;
} khác {
// Add a new column (increments by two because you need two columns for the representation)
currentColNum += 2;
currentRowNum = 0;
excelIds.put(e.getDeviceId(), new DataPosition(currentColNum, currentRowNum));

row = sheet.getRow(currentRowNum);
if (row == null) {
row = sheet.createRow(currentRowNum);

row.createCell(currentColNum + 1).setCellValue(e.getDate());


nhập mô tả hình ảnh ở đây


nhập mô tả hình ảnh ở đây

如何在此处打印设备 ID 和日期作为每个设备的标题?


Map excelIds = new HashMap<>();
DataPosition position;
// Start at -2 so when it comes to the first value, you add 2 to place the column number to 0
Integer currentColNum = -2;
Integer currentRowNum;
HSSFRow row;
for (DataClass e: getdata) {
position = excelIds.get(e.getDeviceId());
if (position != null) {
// Add a new row
currentRowNum = position.rowNum;
} khác {
// Add a new column (increments by two because you need two columns for the representation)
currentColNum += 2;
currentRowNum = 0;
excelIds.put(e.getDeviceId(), new DataPosition(currentColNum, currentRowNum));
newValueFlag = true;
row = sheet.getRow(currentRowNum);
if (row == null) {
row = sheet.createRow(currentRowNum);
if (newValueFlag) {
Cell newCell = row.createCell(currentColNum);
Cell newCell2 = row.createCell(currentColNum + 1);
row = sheet.createRow(currentRowNum + 1);
row.createCell(currentColNum + 1).setCellValue(e.getDate);
newValueFlag = false;
excelIds.put(e.getDeviceId(), new
DataPosition(currentColNum, currentRowNum + 1));

row.createCell(currentColNum + 1).setCellValue(e.getDate());

如果我尝试进行上述更改,那么我会丢失每个 deviceId 值的第一行。

câu trả lời hay nhất

在创建行之前,将 currentRowNum 加 1 并在其中添加详细信息。然后通过

Row heading= sheet.createRow(0);

并在其中设置 deviceIds 和 Date。

您需要在顶部有一行,因此在循环之后,您将获得位置和设备 ID 的完整 map ,然后您可以在顶部第 0 个位置创建静态行,并从该 map 添加这些设备 ID使用循环。

关于java - POI - Excel 不同 ID 的单独列,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53276779/

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