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package myOwn;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class myArms {
static Scanner sc2 = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void armInput() {
System.out.println("Behold the arms! Which hand holds the secret item?");
String answer = sc2.nextLine();
public static String armOpener(String answer) {
if(answer.equals("left")) {
return "Aha! Indeed the gemstone was hidden in the left hand. Now...";
}else if(answer.equals("Left")) {
return "Aha! Indeed the gemstone was hidden in the left hand. Now...";
}else if(answer.equals("LEFT")) {
return "Aha! Indeed the gemstone was hidden in the left hand. Now...";
}else if(answer.equals("right")) {
return "Bummer! The treasure was in the other hand. Easy for me to say, huh? What if there wasn't a treasure from the start of? Who knows...";
}else if(answer.equals("Right")) {
return "Bummer! The treasure was in the other hand. Easy for me to say, huh? What if there wasn't a treasure from the start of? Who knows...";
}else if(answer.equals("RIGHT")) {
return "Bummer! The treasure was in the other hand. Easy for me to say, huh? What if there wasn't a treasure from the start of? Who knows...";
}else {
return "Did you not hear me boy? I'm asking you, which hand?!";
return answer;
1 Câu trả lời
这是因为在所有 nếu như
语句之后,您有一个 trở lại
语句,如果没有任何 nếu như
语句,该语句将永远不会被执行语句匹配,它将转到 khác
如果不满足任何条件,您可以删除 trở lại
行或最后的 khác
public static String armOpener(String answer) {
String ans = answer.toLowerCase();
if (ans.equals("left")) {
return "Aha! Indeed the gemstone was hidden in the left hand. Now...";
} else if (ans.equals("right")) {
return "Bummer! The treasure was in the other hand. Easy for me to say, huh? What if there wasn't a treasure from the start of? Who knows...";
return "Did you not hear me boy? I'm asking you, which hand?!";
)返回相同的值,可以通过比较变量的小写值。然后,当您有多个这样的 if 时,您可以使用 công tắc
public static String armOpener(String answer) {
switch(answer.toLowerCase()) {
case "left":
return "Aha! Indeed the gemstone was hidden in the left hand. Now...";
case "right":
return "Bummer! The treasure was in the other hand. Easy for me to say, huh? What if there wasn't a treasure from the start of? Who knows...";
mặc định:
return "Did you not hear me boy? I'm asking you, which hand?!";
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