sách gpt4 ai đã đi

Trừu tượng Java, generic và trình xây dựng

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 02:48:02 27 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

这是我第一次发帖,但我遇到了很多问题。我目前有一个带有标题的 AbstractDevice 类:

public abstract class AbstractDevice> implements Device


public static abstract class Builder

我还有一个带有标题的 AbstractPeripheral 类:

public abstract class AbstractPeripheral> extends AbstractDevice


public static abstract class Builder extends AbstractDevice.Builder.

我的目标是让 AbstractPeripheral 扩展 AbstractDevice 并且 AbstractPeripheral 的构建器扩展 AbstractDevice 的。但是,我在尝试编译时收到此错误:

type argument uxb.AbstractPeripheral.Builder is not within bounds of type-variable T.


package uxb;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.math.BigInteger;

public abstract class AbstractDevice>
implements Device{

public static abstract class Builder{

private Integer version;

private Optional productCode;

private Optional serialNumber;

private List connectors;

public Builder(Integer version){
this.version = version;
} //end constructor method

public T productCode(Integer productCode){
if(productCode != null){
this.productCode = Optional.of(productCode);
} //end if statement
this.productCode = Optional.empty();
} //end else statement
return getThis();
} //end method productCode()

public T serialNumber(BigInteger serialNumber){
if(serialNumber != null){
this.serialNumber = Optional.of(serialNumber);
} //end if statement
/*Class has a static field for ZERO value*/
this.serialNumber = Optional.empty();
} //end else statement
return getThis();
} //end method serialNumber()

public T connectors(List connectors){
this.connectors = connectors;
return getThis();
} //end method connectors

protected abstract T getThis();

protected List getConnectors(){
return connectors;
} //end method getConnectors()

protected void validate(){
if(version == null){
throw new NullPointerException("Cannot be validated");
} //end method validate()

} //end nested abstract class Builder

private final Integer version;

private final Optional productCode;

private final Optional serialNumber;

private final List connectors;

private final List connectorObjects;

protected AbstractDevice(Builder builder){
this.version = builder.version;
this.productCode = builder.productCode;
this.serialNumber = builder.serialNumber;
this.connectors = builder.connectors;
ArrayList temp = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < connectors.size(); i++){
temp.add(new Connector(this, i, connectors.get(i)));
} //end for loop
connectorObjects = temp;
} //end constructor method

public Optional getProductCode(){
return productCode;
} //end method getProductCode()

public Integer getConnectorCount(){
/*Not Implemented Yet*/
trả về 0;
} //end method getConnectorCount()

public Optional getSerialNumber(){
return serialNumber;
} //end method getSerialNumber()

public Integer getVersion(){
return version;
} //end method getVersion()

public List getConnectors(){
return new ArrayList(connectorObjects);
} //end method getConnectors()

public Connector getConnector(int index){
if(! getConnectors().isEmpty()){
return getConnectors().get(index);
} //end if statement
trả về giá trị null;
} //end else statement
} //end method getConnector()

} //end abstract class AbstractDevice

抽象外设: 封装uxb;

import java.util.List;

public abstract class AbstractPeripheral
AbstractPeripheral.Builder> extends

public static abstract class Builder extends

protected void validate(){
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot be validated");
} //end if statement
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot be validated");
} //end if statement
} //end method

private boolean checkTypes(List types){
for(Connector.Type type: types){
if(type != Connector.Type.PERIPHERAL){
trả về false;
} //end if statement
} //end for each loop
trả về giá trị đúng;
} //end method checkTypes

public Builder(Integer version){
} //end constructor method
} //end nested class Builder

public AbstractPeripheral(Builder builder){
} //end class AbstractPeripheral

中心: 封装uxb;

public class Hub extends AbstractDevice{

public static class Builder extends AbstractDevice.Builder{

public Builder(Integer version){
} //end constructor method

public Hub build(){
return new Hub(getThis());
} //end method build()

protected Builder getThis(){
return this;
} //end method getThis()

protected void validate(){
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot be validated");
} //end if statement\
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot be validated");
} //end if statement
} //end validate()
} //end nested class Builder

private Hub(Builder builder){
} //end constructor method

public DeviceClass getDeviceClass(){
return DeviceClass.HUB;
} //end method getDeviceClass()

} //end class Hub

1 Câu trả lời


我在几个开源项目中使用了这种模式或略有不同,包括 Apache Brooklyn和jclouds。


public abstract class AbstractDevice implements Device {
public static abstract class Builder {
public abstract B self();
public abstract T build();
public B example(String value) {
// do something with value
return self();

请注意,我还添加了一个抽象的 build() 方法,它将返回构建的对象。 self() 方法是必需的,因为当构建器方法返回 cái này 时,它将具有错误的类型。相反,每个构建器方法必须以 return self(); 结尾,如所示的 example(String value) 方法中所示。那么 child 就变成了:

public abstract class AbstractPeripheral extends AbstractDevice {
public static abstract class Builder extends AbstractDevice.Builder {

您可以看到,TB 泛型参数分别用于指向类的类型和构建器的类型。因此,要创建一个使用这些的具体类,应该创建类似这样的内容:

public class Hub extends AbstractPeripheral {
public static class Builder extends AbstractPeripheral.Builder {
public static final Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public Builder self() {
return this;
public Hub build() {
return new Hub();

这还有一个静态 builder() 方法,它返回正确的 Builder 类的实例,如果您愿意,您也可以直接调用构造函数。 build() 方法只是创建并返回具体类,self() 方法在此处实现以返回 cái này 将具有正确的类型。

将所有内容放在一起,我们可以使用它来创建一个 Hub 对象,如下所示:

Hub hub = Hub.Builder.builder()

Xin lưu ý,AbstractDevice.Builder#example(String) 方法返回正确的类型,因为它实际上调用 Hub#self()build() 按预期返回 Hub 的具体实例。

要减轻一些痛苦并删除重复的样板,您还可以尝试使用 Google AutoValue项目,我们现在正在 jclouds 中切换到该项目。

关于Java 抽象、泛型和构建器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39560266/

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