sách gpt4 ai đã đi

c++ - ' =' : cannot convert from ' CircularDoubleDirectedList::节点 *' to ' 节点 *'

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 02:39:22 30 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我有 Node* current ,我在其中存储指向列表“顶部”当前节点的指针。当我将一个新节点设置为当前节点时,出现错误:

'=' : cannot convert from 'CircularDoubleDirectedList::Node *' to 'Node *'
while compiling class template member function 'void CircularDoubleDirectedList::addAtCurrent(const T &)' with [ T=int ]

这是带有//Problem 注释的三行,如果把它们去掉一切正常,就会产生这些错误。

#include "ICircularDoubleDirectedList.h"

template class CircularDoubleDirectedList;
class Node;

class CircularDoubleDirectedList :
public ICircularDoubleDirectedList{
công cộng:
Node* current;
int nrOfElements;
direction currentDirection;

void addAtCurrent(const T& element) override;

riêng tư:
class Node
công cộng:
T data;
Node* forward;
Node* backward;

Node(const T& element);

void CircularDoubleDirectedList::addAtCurrent(const T& element){
Node* newNode = new Node(element);
newNode->data = element;
if (this->nrOfElements == 0){
newNode->forward = newNode;
newNode->backward = newNode;
this->current->forward = newNode; // Problem
this->current->forward->backward = newNode; // Problem
this->current = newNode; //Problem

1 Câu trả lời


template  class CircularDoubleDirectedList;
class Node;

那是声明一个类型 Nút在全局命名空间中。是::Node .然后,在你的类声明中,hiện hành接受那个类型:

class CircularDoubleDirectedList
: public ICircularDoubleDirectedList
công cộng:
Node* current; // this is a pointer to ::Node.

然后您提供 CircularDoubleDirectedList::Node 的声明.这与 ::Node 类型KHÔNG相同.它还首先通过名称解析规则进行查找。所以在这里:

void CircularDoubleDirectedList::addAtCurrent(const T& element){
Node* newNode = new Node(element); // newNode is a pointer to
// CircularDoubleDirectedList::Node

Nhưnghiện hành是指向仍然不完整类型的指针 ::Node .因此出现错误 - 您无意中创建了名为 Nút của hai 类型.

如果你要转发声明Nút ,你必须在类里面做这件事:

class CircularDoubleDirectedList
: public ICircularDoubleDirectedList
class Node; // NOW it's CircularDoubleDirectedList::Node

关于c++ - ' =' : cannot convert from ' CircularDoubleDirectedList::节点 *' to ' 节点 *',我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29868972/

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