sách gpt4 ai đã đi

Hiển thị menu theo thời gian PHP PHP MySQL

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 12:25:39 28 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我在 MySQL 数据库中有一个表,其中存储餐厅在每个工作日和时段提供的菜单。


i_type i_name i_cost i_day i_start i_end
Breakfast Prantha 20 0 07:00 11:00
Lunch Special 80 0 11:01 15:00
Dinner Special 100 0 15:01 21:00

其中 0 = 星期日,依此类推。



  1. 如果客户在早上(即早餐时间或更早)进入餐厅,则应允许他订购早餐、午餐和晚餐。
  2. 如果客户在午餐时间进入餐厅,则只能订购午餐和晚餐,而不能订购早餐。


$dw = (jddayofweek($jd,0));


$datr = (int)date('Hi');
$timew= str_replace(':', '', $row['i_start']); $timec= str_replace(':', '',
if (($datr < $timew) || ($datr > $timec)) { ?>
} ?>


1 Câu trả lời

Hãy thử cách này:

    $dayValueFromDB = $row['i_day'];
$currentDayValue = (jddayofweek($jd,0));
//for just today and tomorrow the last condition in if is for the senario if today in saturday and tomorrow is sunday
if($dayValueFromDB == $currentDayValue || $dayValueFromDB == ($currentDayValue+1) || ($dayValueFromDB == 0 && $currentDayValue==6))
if ($datr > $timec){
//your code
//for all other days display no order will be taken or whatever you like

关于php - 按时间段显示菜单 PHP PHP MySQL,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28358703/

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