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java - 如何将 ArrayList 从 Java 类传递给 jsp

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-29 05:17:36 25 4
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试图将 ArrayList 从 java 类发送到 servlet。 ResultSet 的返回值被传递给一个模型对象,该对象被添加到一个ArrayList。但是,我需要在 vieitems.jsp 中检索此 ArrayList.

数据库 Controller .java

 public void getAvailableItems(String sqlst) throws Exception {
Connection connection = getConnection();
Statement stm = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rst = stm.executeQuery(sqlst);

ArrayList avitems = new ArrayList();
while ( {
String itemname = rst.getString("ItemName");
String description = rst.getString("Description");
int qtyonhand = rst.getInt("QtyOnHand");
int reorderlevel = rst.getInt("ReorderLevel");
double unitprice = rst.getDouble("unitprice");
Item item = new Item(itemname, description, qtyonhand, reorderlevel, unitprice);
//i need to send avitems to ViewItems.jsp



//here i need to set the values of arraylist avitems

Item CodeItem NameDescription Qty On HandReorder Level

câu trả lời hay nhất

在 servlet 代码中,使用指令 request.setAttribute("itemList", avitems),您将列表保存在请求对象中,并使用名称“itemList”来引用它。

当您到达 JSP 时,有必要从请求中检索列表,为此您只需要 request.getAttribute("itemList") 方法。

   //Servlet page code
request.setAttribute("itemList", avitems);
ServletContext context= getServletContext();
RequestDispatcher rd= context.getRequestDispatcher("/ViewItems.jsp");
rd.forward(request, response);

// Jsp Page code ViewItems.jsp
// retrieve your list from the request, with casting
ArrayList list = (ArrayList) request.getAttribute("itemList");

// print the information about every category of the list
for(Item item : list)
// do your work

关于java - 如何将 ArrayList 从 Java 类传递给 jsp,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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Walker 123
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