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objective-c - "Current language: auto; currently objective-c"是什么意思?

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-28 23:09:25 26 4
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当我使用 Xcode 调试我的 iOS 程序时,gdb 将其显示在控制台 View 上,并且没有发生任何错误。

我只想知道输出“Current language: auto; currently objective-c”的具体含义。

câu trả lời hay nhất

这意味着 gdb 被设置为从与您碰巧正在查看的任何框架关联的源代码中自动推断出正确的(编程)语言。

từ the GDB Manual :

15.1.3 Having gdb Infer the Source Language

To have gdb set the working language automatically, use set language
local' or
set language auto'. gdb then infers the working language. That is, when your program stops in a frame (usually by encountering a breakpoint), gdb sets the working language to the language recorded for the function in that frame. If the language for a frame is unknown (that is, if the function or block corresponding to the frame was defined in a source file that does not have a recognized extension), the current working language is not changed, and gdb issues a warning.

This may not seem necessary for most programs, which are written entirely in one source language. However, program modules and libraries written in one source language can be used by a main program written in a different source language. Using `set language auto' in this case frees you from having to set the working language manually.

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