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python - 从列表字典创建 n 个嵌套循环

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-28 21:52:56 25 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我有一个有 n 个键的字典,每个键包含一个 n 个字符串的列表。


这是一个有 3 个键的字典的例子,但我想概括为一个有 n 个键的字典。

dict = {'key1':['str0','str1','str2','strn'],'key2':['apples','bananas','mangos'],'key3':['spam','eggs','more spam']}

for str1 in dict['key1']:
for str2 in dict['key2']:
for str3 in dict['key3']:
print 'key1'+"."+str1,'key2'+"."+str2,'key3'+"."+str3

请在回答问题时描述一下答案是如何工作的,因为我是 python 的新手,还不知道所有可用的工具!


key1.str0 key2.apples key3.spam
key1.str0 key2.apples key3.eggs
key1.str0 key2.apples key3.more spam
key1.str0 key2.bananas key3.spam
key1.str0 key2.bananas key3.eggs

n 维迭代器的预期输出:

key1.str0 key2.apples key3.spam ... keyn.string0
key1.str0 key2.apples key3.spam ... keyn.string1
key1.str0 key2.apples key3.spam ... keyn.string2
key1.str0 key2.apples key3.spam ... keyn.stringn

câu trả lời hay nhất

bạn nên sử dụng itertools.product , 它执行 Cartesian product ,这是您要尝试执行的操作的名称。

from itertools import product

# don't shadow the built-in name `dict`
d = {'key1': ['str0','str1','str2','strn'], 'key2': ['apples','bananas','mangos'], 'key3': ['spam','eggs','more spam']}

# dicts aren't sorted, but you seem to want key1 -> key2 -> key3 order, so
# let's get a sorted copy of the keys
keys = sorted(d.keys())
# and then get the values in the same order
values = [d[key] for key in keys]

# perform the Cartesian product
# product(*values) means product(values[0], values[1], values[2], ...)
results = product(*values)

# each `result` is something like ('str0', 'apples', 'spam')
for result in results:
# pair up each entry in `result` with its corresponding key
# So, zip(('key1', 'key2', 'key3'), ('str0', 'apples', 'spam'))
# yields (('key1', 'str0'), ('key2', 'apples'), ('key3', 'spam'))
# schematically speaking, anyway
for key, thing in zip(keys, result):
print key + '.' + thing,

请注意,我们没有在任何地方对字典中的键数进行硬编码。如果你使用 collections.OrderedDict,你可以避免排序的东西而不是 mệnh lệnh.


from itertools import product

d = {'key1': ['str0','str1','str2','strn'], 'key2': ['apples','bananas','mangos'], 'key3': ['spam','eggs','more spam']}

foo = [[(key, value) for value in d[key]] for key in sorted(d.keys())]

results = product(*foo)
for result in results:
for key, value in result:
print key + '.' + value,

在这里,我们构建了一个包含(键,值)元组列表的列表,然后将笛卡尔积应用于列表。这样,键和值之间的关系完全包含在 results 中。想想看,这可能比我发布的第一种方式要好。

关于python - 从列表字典创建 n 个嵌套循环,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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