tôi sử dụng tinter.after()
每 200 毫秒
刷新一次树莓派上模拟时钟的显示。一开始还可以,但逐渐地,每次刷新之间的时间达到大约 2-3 秒。是否有任何解决方案可以将刷新间隔保持在 200ms
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: UTF-8
# license: GPL
## @package _08c_clock
# A very simple analog clock.
# The program transforms worldcoordinates into screencoordinates
# and vice versa according to an algorithm found in:
# "Programming principles in computer graphics" by Leendert Ammeraal.
# Based on the code of Anton Vredegoor (anton.vredegoor@gmail.com)
# @author Paulo Roma
# @since 01/05/2014
# @see https://code.activestate.com/recipes/578875-analog-clock
# @see http://orion.lcg.ufrj.br/python/figuras/fluminense.png
import sys, types, os
from time import localtime
from datetime import timedelta,datetime
from math import sin, cos, pi
from threading import Thread
from tkinter import * # python 3
except ImportError:
from mtTkinter import * # for thread safe
except ImportError:
from Tkinter import * # python 2
hasPIL = True
# we need PIL for resizing the background image
# in Fedora do: yum install python-pillow-tk
# or yum install python3-pillow-tk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
except ImportError:
hasPIL = False
## Class for handling the mapping from window coordinates
# to viewport coordinates.
class mapper:
## Constructor.
# @param world window rectangle.
# @param viewport screen rectangle.
def __init__(self, world, viewport):
self.world = world
self.viewport = viewport
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = self.world
X_min, Y_min, X_max, Y_max = self.viewport
f_x = float(X_max-X_min) / float(x_max-x_min)
f_y = float(Y_max-Y_min) / float(y_max-y_min)
self.f = min(f_x,f_y)
x_c = 0.5 * (x_min + x_max)
y_c = 0.5 * (y_min + y_max)
X_c = 0.5 * (X_min + X_max)
Y_c = 0.5 * (Y_min + Y_max)
self.c_1 = X_c - self.f * x_c
self.c_2 = Y_c - self.f * y_c
## Maps a single point from world coordinates to viewport (screen) coordinates.
# @param x, y given point.
# @return a new point in screen coordinates.
def __windowToViewport(self, x, y):
X = self.f * x + self.c_1
Y = self.f * -y + self.c_2 # Y axis is upside down
return X , Y
## Maps two points from world coordinates to viewport (screen) coordinates.
# @param x1, y1 first point.
# @param x2, y2 second point.
# @return two new points in screen coordinates.
def windowToViewport(self,x1,y1,x2,y2):
return self.__windowToViewport(x1,y1),self.__windowToViewport(x2,y2)
## Class for creating a new thread.
class makeThread (Thread):
"""Creates a thread."""
## Constructor.
# @param func function to run on this thread.
def __init__ (self,func):
self.__action = func
self.debug = False
## Destructor.
def __del__ (self):
if ( self.debug ): print ("Thread end")
## Starts this thread.
def run (self):
if ( self.debug ): print ("Thread begin")
## Class for drawing a simple analog clock.
# The backgroung image may be changed by pressing key 'i'.
# The image path is hardcoded. It should be available in directory 'images'.
class clock:
## Constructor.
# @param deltahours time zone.
# @param sImage whether to use a background image.
# @param w canvas width.
# @param h canvas height.
# @param useThread whether to use a separate thread for running the clock.
def __init__(self,root,deltahours = 0,sImage = True,w = 400,h = 400,useThread = False):
self.world = [-1,-1,1,1]
self.imgPath = './images/fluminense.png' # image path
if hasPIL and os.path.exists (self.imgPath):
self.showImage = sImage
self.showImage = False
self.circlesize = 0.09
self._ALL = 'handles'
self.root = root
width, height = w, h
self.pad = width/16
if self.showImage:
self.fluImg = Image.open(self.imgPath)
self.root.bind("", lambda _ : root.destroy())
self.delta = timedelta(hours = deltahours)
self.canvas = Canvas(root, width = width, height = height, background = self.bgcolor)
viewport = (self.pad,self.pad,width-self.pad,height-self.pad)
self.T = mapper(self.world,viewport)
self.root.bind("", self.toggleImage)
self.canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
if useThread:
st.debug = True
## Called when the window changes, by means of a user input.
def resize(self,event):
sc = self.canvas
sc.delete(ALL) # erase the whole canvas
width = sc.winfo_width()
height = sc.winfo_height()
imgSize = min(width, height)
self.pad = imgSize/16
viewport = (self.pad,self.pad,width-self.pad,height-self.pad)
self.T = mapper(self.world,viewport)
if self.showImage:
flu = self.fluImg.resize((int(0.8*0.8*imgSize), int(0.8*imgSize)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
self.flu = ImageTk.PhotoImage(flu)
self.canvas.create_rectangle([[0,0],[width,height]], fill = self.bgcolor)
self.redraw() # redraw the clock
## Sets the clock colors.
def setColors(self):
if self.showImage:
self.bgcolor = 'antique white'
self.timecolor = 'dark orange'
self.circlecolor = 'dark green'
self.bgcolor = '#000000'
self.timecolor = '#ffffff'
self.circlecolor = '#808080'
## Toggles the displaying of a background image.
def toggleImage(self,event):
if hasPIL and os.path.exists (self.imgPath):
self.showImage = not self.showImage
## Redraws the whole clock.
def redraw(self):
start = pi/2 # 12h is at pi/2
step = pi/6
for i in range(12): # draw the minute ticks as circles
angle = start-i*step
x, y = cos(angle),sin(angle)
self.painthms() # draw the handles
if not self.showImage:
self.paintcircle(0,0) # draw a circle at the centre of the clock
## Draws the handles.
def painthms(self):
self.canvas.delete(self._ALL) # delete the handles
T = datetime.timetuple(datetime.utcnow()-self.delta)
x,x,x,h,m,s,x,x,x = T
self.root.title('%02i:%02i:%02i' %(h,m,s))
angle = pi/2 - pi/6 * (h + m/60.0)
x, y = cos(angle)*0.70,sin(angle)*0.70
scl = self.canvas.create_line
# draw the hour handle
scl(self.T.windowToViewport(0,0,x,y), fill = self.timecolor, tag=self._ALL, width = self.pad/3)
angle = pi/2 - pi/30 * (m + s/60.0)
x, y = cos(angle)*0.90,sin(angle)*0.90
# draw the minute handle
scl(self.T.windowToViewport(0,0,x,y), fill = self.timecolor, tag=self._ALL, width = self.pad/5)
angle = pi/2 - pi/30 * s
x, y = cos(angle)*0.95,sin(angle)*0.95
# draw the second handle
scl(self.T.windowToViewport(0,0,x,y), fill = self.timecolor, tag=self._ALL, arrow = 'last')
## Draws a circle at a given point.
# @param x,y given point.
def paintcircle(self,x,y):
ss = self.circlesize / 2.0
sco = self.canvas.create_oval
sco(self.T.windowToViewport(-ss+x,-ss+y,ss+x,ss+y), fill = self.circlecolor)
## Animates the clock, by redrawing everything after a certain time interval.
def poll(self):
## Main program for testing.
# @param argv time zone, image background flag,
# clock width, clock height, create thread flag.
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
if len(argv) > 2:
deltahours = int(argv[1])
sImage = (argv[2] == 'True')
w = int(argv[3])
h = int(argv[4])
t = (argv[5] == 'True')
except ValueError:
print ("A timezone is expected.")
return 1
deltahours = 3
sImage = True
w = h = 400
t = False
root = Tk()
root.geometry ('+0+0')
# deltahours: how far are you from utc?
# Sometimes the clock may be run from another timezone ...
if __name__=='__main__':
Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!