cuốn sách gpt4 ai đã làm

javascript - Reac: chuyển trạng thái cha mẹ cho con khi trạng thái cha mẹ có nguồn gốc và được sửa đổi từ các lớp bên ngoài hoạt động như một thuộc tính trong cha mẹ

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-28 16:59:50 27 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike


class Config {
public level: number = 1; //this is a sample state I want to pass

//sets level
public setLevel(level: number){
this.level = level;

//wrapper class that uses Config class as a property
class Manager {
public config: Config = new Config();

//invokes Config.setLevel() here, but wrapped
public nextLevel(level: number){

然后我的 react 组件是:

//here is my parent component using Manager
class ParentComp extends React.Component{
public mngr: Manager = new Manager(); //uses Manager as a property

constructor(props: any){

this.state = { config: this.mngr.config }; //adds the Manager instance's property as a state

public render(){
//passes the state to a child component


//this is where I simulate changing the level property using the external class(es)
this.mngr.nextLevel(2); //invoke external class method that changes the source object
console.log('1 sec has passed and a new level has been set.')
}, 1000)

class ChildComp extends React.Component{
constructor(props: any){
this.state = {level: props.level} //uses the prop to the child's state
基于 React 开发工具, ParentComp 上的

componentDidMount 确实会更改 ParentComp.config.level,但不会更改 ChildComp.level .

为什么以及该怎么做?我有 Vue 背景,通常 Vue 会自动处理这些事情。我不明白为什么它不适用于 React。

câu trả lời hay nhất

您没有在实现中使用 setState 属性,这就是没有更改的原因。

关于javascript - react : passing parent state to child when the parent state is sourced and modified from external classes acting as a property in the parent,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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