sách gpt4 ai đã đi

JavaScript 提示()命令

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 12:13:33 29 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我刚刚了解了prompt()命令;我知道 Prompt() 命令以字符串的形式返回用户输入。我正在搞乱下面的程序,我输入了Per“Dead”Ohlin作为男性名字。为什么这有效并且没有引起任何问题? “Per“Dead”Ohlin...”应该引起了问题。解释器是否会通过在引号前添加转义字符来自动修复此问题?

let nameOfTheKiller = prompt("Type in a male name.");
let nameOfTheVictim = prompt("Type in a female name.");
let nameOfDrug = prompt("Type in the name of a drug.");
let nameOfAlchoholicBeverage = prompt("Type in the name of an alchoholic beverage.");
let story = nameOfTheKiller
story += " went to a diner, met "
story += nameOfTheVictim + ", and asked her to hangout."
story += " She said yes, so " + nameOfTheKiller + " took her home. As soon as they arrived to "
story += nameOfTheKiller + " relax-location, " + nameOfTheKiller
story += " pulled out " + nameOfDrug + " and " + nameOfAlchoholicBeverage + ". "
story += nameOfTheKiller + " and " + nameOfTheVictim
story += " started using the party favors and got really high and drunk. The party favors gave "
story += nameOfTheKiller + " auditory halucinations that comanded him to kill "
story += nameOfTheVictim + ", so he did." ;

alert("We are done asking you questions. We are generating a story for you. The story will be finished, shortly.");
document.write(story) ;

1 Câu trả lời

prompt KHÔNG đánh giá - 您传递给它的任何内容都将被解释为字符串。输入

Per "Dead" Ohlin


let nameOfTheKiller = prompt("Type in a male name.");


let nameOfTheKiller = `Per "Dead" Ohlin`;

您输入的字符串中包含的任何恰好也是 Javascript 中有效字符串分隔符的字符将被解释为那些文字字符 (", ' ,反引号),而不是作为分隔符。

关于JavaScript 提示()命令,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55173459/

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