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c++ - multimap 清除

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-28 08:08:03 26 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

这是我使用多 map 制作的一个简单的事件系统;当我使用 CEvents::Add(..) 方法时,它应该插入并进入多重映射。问题是,当我触发这些事件时, multimap 似乎是空的。我确定我没有调用删除方法 [CEvents::Remove]。这是代码:

CEvents Ev;

// "CEvents.h"
class CEvents
công cộng:

void Add ( string EventName, void(*fn)(void));
void Remove ( string EventName, void(*fn)(void));
void Trigger ( string EventName );


bool Found;

std::multimap EventsMap;
std::multimap::iterator EvMapIt;

void CEvents::Add (string EventName, void (*fn)(void))
if (!EventsMap.empty())
Found = false;

for (EvMapIt = EventsMap.begin(); EvMapIt != EventsMap.end(); EvMapIt++)
if ((EvMapIt->first == EventName) && (EvMapIt->second == fn))
CTools tools;
tools.ErrorOut("Function already bound to same event... Not registering event");
Found = true;

if (!Found)
std::cout<<"Added, with size "<<(int) EventsMap.size()<
EventsMap.insert (std::pair(EventName,fn));
std::cout<<"Added, with size "<<(int) EventsMap.size()<

void CEvents::Trigger (string EventName)
std::cout<<"Triggering init"<<>
std::cout<<(int) EventsMap.size()<

for (EvMapIt = EventsMap.begin(); EvMapIt != EventsMap.end(); EvMapIt++)
std::cout<<"Triggering proc"<<>
if (EvMapIt->first == EventName)

câu trả lời hay nhất


// "CEvents.h"
class CEvents
công cộng:
typedef void (*Callback)(void);

// 1. Don't use `using namespace` in header files
// 2. Pass by const reference to avoid a copy
// 3. Function Pointers are easier to deal with when typedef'd
void Add(std::string const& EventName, Callback fn);
void Remove(std::string const& EventName, Callback fn);
void Trigger(std::string const& EventName);

// Attributes should be `private` or `public`, `protected` is for functions.
// If you read otherwise, consider how this violates encapsulation.

private: // cause nobody's touching my stuff lest they break it!

// useless in this class, should be local variables in the routines
// bool Found;
// MapType::iterator EvMapIt;

// typedef make life easier, spelling that out each time is just tiring.
typedef std::multimap MapType;
MapType EventsMap;



// Whole rewrite to use idiomatic interfaces
void CEvents::Add(std::string const& EventName, Callback fn)
// Retrieve the range of callbacks registered for "EventName"
std::pair const range =

// Check that this callback is not already registered.
for (MapType::iterator it = range.first, end = range.second;
it != end; ++it)
if (it->second == fn) {
// Are you sure `ErrorOut` should not be a free function
// or at least a `static` function ?
// It feels weird instantiating this class.
CTools tools;
tools.ErrorOut("Function already bound to same event..."
" Not registering event");
// If it is in there, nothing to do, so let's stop.
trở lại;

// If we are here, then we need to add it.
// Let's give a hint for insertion, while we are at it.
EventsMap.insert(range.second, std::make_pair(EventName, fn));

// the (int) cast was C-like (bah...) and unnecessary anyway
std::cout << "Added, with size " << EventsMap.size() << std::endl;

void CEvents::Trigger (std::string const& EventName)
std::cout << "Triggering init" << std::endl;
std::cout << EventsMap.size() << std::endl; //Getting 0

// Retrieve the range of callbacks registered for `EventName`
std::pair const range =

// Call each callback in turn
for (MapType::const_iterator it = range.first, end = range.second;
it != end; ++it)


当然,使用 std::set<>> 可能更简单因为它会确保 (EventName, fn) 的唯一性自动配对...尽管分派(dispatch)事件的代码会稍微复杂一些,所以不确定它是否会成功(代码方面或性能方面)。

关于c++ - multimap 清除,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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