cuốn sách gpt4 ai đã làm

C++ 链表类 -> 头文件

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-28 07:55:48 28 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

Có thể trùng lặp:
undefined reference to `WinMain@16'

我一直在研究循环双链表。决定创建一个类并使用标题。我是 C++ 的新手,所以我查看了如何实现它。我不确定我是否在列表中正确实现了结构节点。

编译 Clist.cpp 文件后,我收到此错误。

(.text+0xd2): undefined reference to `WinMain@16'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 1 seconds)
1 errors, 0 warnings
d:\codeblocks\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.4.1\..\..\..\libmingw32.a(main.o):main.c|| undefined reference to `WinMain@16'|


#ifndef CLIST_H
#define CLIST_H
struct Node {
char data;
Node *prev, *next;
Node (char d, Node *p, Node *n): data(d), prev(p), next(n)
if(p) prev->next = this;
if(n) next->prev = this;

class Clist
công cộng:
virtual ~Clist();
Node *head; // current node that is being pointed to
kích thước int;
bool isEmpty();
void addNodeBefore(char); // inserted before head
void addNodeAfter(char); // inserted after head
void addNodeBeforeData(char, Node*);// Same as above, inserted before/after a specific node
void addNodeAfterData(char, Node*);
void out(bool); // Prints the list, true starts from beginning, false starts from end
void setData(char);
void setPrev(Node*);
void setNext(Node*);
bool findData(char); // Searches through the list to find the char
void deleteData(char, bool);


#endif // CLIST_H


#include "Clist.h"
sử dụng không gian tên std;

Clist::Clist(char d)
head = new Node(d, NULL, NULL);
head->next = head->prev = head;
size = 1;


Node *tmp = this->head;
Node *temp;
tmp = tmp->prev;

temp = tmp->next;
delete tmp;
tmp = temp;
tmp = temp = NULL;

bool Clist::isEmpty()
{ return (this->size == 0);}

void Clist::addNodeBefore(char d)
Node *n = head;
Node *p = head->prev;

Node *temp = new Node (d, p, n);
//cout << "added: " << temp->data << " before: "
// << temp->prev->data << " after: " << temp->next->data << endl;

void Clist::addNodeAfter(char d)
Node *n = head->next;
Node *p = head;

Node *temp = new Node (d, p, n);
//cout << "added: " << temp->data << " before: "
// << temp->prev->data << " after: " << temp->next->data << endl;

void Clist::out(bool dir) // True to traverse next, false to traverse prev
if (dir)
Node *tmp = head;
cout << tmp->data;
tmp = tmp->next;
}while(tmp != head);
Node *tmp = head;
cout << tmp->data;
tmp = tmp->prev;
}while(tmp != head);
cout << endl;

void Clist::setData(char Data)
this->head->data = Data;
void Clist::setPrev(Node* Prev)
this->head->prev = Prev;
void Clist::setNext(Node* Next)
this->head->next = Next;
bool Clist::findData(char search)
int counter = 0;
Node *tmp = head;
while(tmp->next != head)
if(tmp->data == search)
bộ đếm++;
tmp = tmp->next;

if (counter > 0)
cout << "'" << search << "' was found " << counter << " time(s)" << endl;
trả về sự thật;
cout << "'" << search << "' was not found" << endl;
trả về sai;

void Clist::deleteData(char search, bool all) // If true, it will delete all nodes with the same search
{ // If false, it will delete the first Node only
Node *tmp = head;
if(tmp->data == search)
cout << "Deleting " << search << endl;
tmp->prev->next = tmp->next;
tmp->next->prev = tmp->prev;
if (false)
trở lại;
tmp = tmp->next;



#include "Clist.h"
sử dụng không gian tên std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

char s[]="abcfdefghijklmgnopqrsatuvwxyz";

Clist *list; // ptr to head of list
Node *curr; // ptr to current node of the list

// call constructor and initialize first Node
list = new Clist(s[0]);

for(size_t i=1; i < strlen(s); i++) // create the rest of the linked list



trả về 0;

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