sách gpt4 ai đã đi

Lỗi C2228, Lỗi C2275

In lại 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 07:22:27 28 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

Tôi mới ở đây. Hiện tại tôi đang học Lập trình C++ trung cấp trực tuyến tại DeVry. Chúng tôi đang sử dụng cuốn sách C++ Primer Plus và cho đến nay tôi thấy khá hiệu quả. Gần đây giáo viên của tôi đã ném cho chúng tôi một quả bóng cong. Nhiệm vụ hiện tại của tôi là:

创建一个带有一个变量的 Seconds 类:totalSeconds(使用 long 类型)。该类应该有一种行为(方法):convert()。此行为应通过引用接收以下变量:天、小时、分钟和秒。该方法应将 totalSeconds 转换为以天、小时、分钟和秒为单位的等效时间。在类中使用符号常量表示一天的小时数、一小时的分钟数和一分钟的秒数。

编写一个简短的主程序来获取总秒数(使用 long 类型)。然后,创建一个 Seconds 对象。使用构造函数或修改器将 totalSeconds 传递给 Seconds 对象。调用 convert() 方法,将天、小时、分钟和秒作为参数和引用发送。在 main 方法中显示天、小时、分钟和秒。任何道路,这是我的代码:


/*GSP 125 Intmed Prgrmg C++/OOP main.cpp*/
#include "sec.h"

sử dụng không gian tên std;

int input = 0;

int chính()
system("TITLE Tick Tack");
char choice1;
ofstream fout;
char filename[50];

cout << "Save results to file ? (Y/N) : ";
(cin >> choice1).get();//make choice, Y or N
if (toupper(choice1) == 'Y')
cout << "Enter filename(max 50 characters): ";
cin.getline(filename,50);//string for file name
fout.open(filename);//makes text file with chosen name
cout << "Results will not be saved!\n\n";

// ToDo: add your code here
cout << "Enter the number of seconds:";
long input;
cin >> input;

BRAVO alpha(long seconds,long minutes,long hours,long days,long years);
long breakdown = alpha.Totalseconds(); //this gets error C2228: left of '.Totalseconds' must have class/struct/union

cout << "\n\n" << input << " seconds = \n"<< breakdown << endl;
cout << year << day_remain << hour_remain << min_remain << seconds << endl;

// pause
cout << "\nPress any key to continue...";

// return environment variable
trả về 0;


// time.cpp
#include "time.h"

// constructors
seconds = 0;
minutes = 0;
hours = 0;
days = 0;
years = 0;

BRAVO::BRAVO( long seconds, long minutes, long hours, long days, long years)
seconds = seconds;
minutes = minutes;
hours = hours;
days = days;
years = years;

// destructor

// behaviors
double BRAVO::Totalseconds(void)
long input = 0;
//convert to minutes
long min = input / SecPerMin;
int sec = input % SecPerMin;
//convert to hours
long hour = min / MinPerHour;
int min_remain = min % MinPerHour;
//convert to days
long day = hour / HourPerDay;
int hour_remain = hour % HourPerDay;
//convert to years
long year = day / DaysPerYear;
int day_remain = day % DaysPerYear;

return BRAVO; //this gets error c2275: 'BRAVO' : illegal use of this type as an expression

// accessors and mutators
short BRAVO::getseconds(void)
{return seconds;}

void BRAVO::setseconds( long seconds )
{seconds = seconds;}

short BRAVO::getminutes(void)
{return minutes;}

void BRAVO::setminutes( long minutes )
{minutes = minutes;}

short BRAVO::gethours(void)
{return hours;}

void BRAVO::sethours( long hours )
{hours = hours;}

short BRAVO::getdays(void)
{return days;}

void BRAVO::setdays( long days )
{days = days;}

short BRAVO::getyears(void)
{return years;}

void BRAVO::setyears( long years )
{years = years;}


// sec.h
#ifndef BRAVO_H_
#define BRAVO_H_

// global constants
const int DaysPerYear = 365;
const int HourPerDay = 24;
const int MinPerHour = 60;
const int SecPerMin = 60;
long int seconds = 0;
long int minutes=0;
long int hours=0;
long int days=0;
long int years=0;
int min_remain=0;
int hour_remain=0;
int day_remain=0;
int year=0;

// Class definition
class BRAVO
riêng tư:
// accessors
short seconds;
short minutes;
short hours;
short days;
short years;

công cộng:
// constructors
BRAVO(long seconds, long minutes, long hours, long days, long years);

// destructor

// behaviors
double Totalseconds();

// accessors and mutators
short getseconds(void);
void setseconds( long seconds );
short getminutes(void);
void setminutes( long minutes );
short gethours(void);
void sethours( long hours );
short getdays(void);
void setdays( long days );
short getyears(void);
void setyears( long years );
short getmin_remain(void);
void setmin_remain( long min_remain );
short gethour_remain(void);
void sethour_remain( long hour_remain );
short getday_remain(void);
void setday_remain( long day_remain );

#kết thúc nếu

error C2275: 'BRAVO' : illegal use of this type as an expression
error C2228: left of '.Totalseconds' must have class/struct/union

我只注意到了两个错误,但是我似乎无法找到具体说明我的确切问题的答案。我相信我在 .h 文件中有点过火,试图添加访问器和常量,但无济于事。其中大部分将被删除。

更新:在遵循提供的第一个答案后,我设法解决了之前的错误。但是,我遇到了一个新的。下面显示的 convertToDecimal 行现在有不同的错误。

long seconds = 0, minutes = 0, hours = 0, days = 0;
BRAVO alpha(input);
float breakdown = alpha.convertToDecimal(seconds, minutes, hours, days); // pass variables by reference
//gets error C2660: 'BRAVO::convertToDecimal' : function does not take 4 arguments
cout << "\n\n" << input << " seconds = \n" << breakdown << endl;
cout << year << day_remain << hour_remain << min_remain << seconds << endl;

我曾尝试更改其中的内容,但我没有运气。我对 convertToDecimal 所做的唯一更改是我以

return convertToDecimal; //this closed the error I was having with it

1 Câu trả lời

BRAVO alpha(long seconds,long minutes,long hours,long days,long years);
long breakdown = alpha.Totalseconds(); //this gets error C2228: left of '.Totalseconds' must have class/struct/union

第一行没有意义,您不应该在此处的参数前面指定类型“long”。您也没有将这些变量的任何实例传递给它。调用 TotalSeconds 时的错误失败,因为此问题导致“alpha”未使用有效类型创建。要让它编译,请尝试:

long seconds = 0, minutes = 0, hours = 0, days = 0;
BRAVO alpha(input);
alpha.convert(seconds, minutes, hours, days); // pass variables by reference



return BRAVO; //this gets error c2275: 'BRAVO' : illegal use of this type as an expression

line 没有任何意义,因为它试图返回一个类型而不是一个变量。

关于c++ - 错误 C2228、错误 C2275,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19216579/

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