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c++ - 编译器错误{匿名}

In lại Tác giả: Walker 123 更新时间:2023-11-28 05:12:02 27 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike


 In member function 'double search::IDAstar::dfs(const State&, double)': 153:18: error: need 'typename' before
'MoveContainer:: const_iterator' because 'MoveContainer' is a dependent scope 153:48: error: expected ';' before 'it' 154:17: error: 'it'
was not declared in this scope
In member function '{anonymous}::State& {anonymous}::State::operator=(const {anonymous}::State&)':
234:9: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void [-Wreturn-type] In instantiation of
'double search::IDAstar::dfs(const State&, double) [with State = {anonymous}::State; MoveContainer = std::list >]':
122:34: required from 'std::list search::IDAstar::solve(const State&)
[with State = {anonymous}::State; MoveContainer = std::list >]' 371:55: required from here
152:57: error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'std::list >&' from an rvalue of type
'{anonymous}::State::MoveContainer {aka std::list >}' 153:66: error: dependent-name 'MoveContainer:: const_iterator'
is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type 153:66: note: say 'typename MoveContainer:: const_iterator' if a type is meant


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ////////////////////////////////
// search_IDAstar.h
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ////////////////////////////////


#include // infinity

namespace search
// A Move is a generic successor of a State (see IDAstar below).
class Move
công cộng:

// Create a move to the given successor state with the given cost.
Move(const State& s, double g) :
// empty

// Destructor
// empty

// Copy constructor
Move(const Move& copy) :
// empty

// Assignment operator
Move& operator= (const Move& rhs)
s = rhs.s;
g = rhs.g;

// Return successor state.
State state() const
return s;

// Return cost of this move.
double cost() const
return g;

riêng tư:
State s;
double g;

// IDAstar is a generic implementation of the IDA* search algorithm.
// Instances of the parameter State should implement the following methods:
// double State::h() const;
// bool State::isGoal() const;
// MoveContainer State::successors(std::list& solution) const;
// where h() is an admissible heuristic, isGoal() returns true iff the
// state is a goal state, and successors() returns a container of moves,
// each of which implements the following methods:
// State state() const;
// double cost() const;
// where state() is a successor state and cost() is the cost of the
// corresponding move. The successors() method may exclude cycles using
// the given partial solution sequence of states.
template<> > >
class IDAstar
công cộng:

// Constructor
IDAstar() :
// empty

// Destructor
// empty

// Use IDA* search to find an optimal path from the given state to a
// goal state. Return a list of states from the given state to the
// goal state, or an empty list if no solution exists.
std::list solve(const State& s)
solved = false;
fLimit = s.h();
while (!solved && fLimit < inf)
fLimit = dfs(s, 0);
return solution;

riêng tư:

// Private unimplemented copy constructor and assignment operator
IDAstar(const IDAstar& copy);
IDAstar& operator= (const IDAstar& rhs);

std::list solution;
bool solved;
double fLimit;
double inf;

double dfs(const State& s, double g)
double f = g + s.h();
if (f > fLimit)
return f;
if (s.isGoal())
solved = true;
return f;
double fMin = inf;
MoveContainer& moves = s.successors(solution);
for (MoveContainer::const_iterator it = moves.begin();
it != moves.end(); ++it)
f = dfs(it->state(), g + it->cost());
if (solved)
return f;
if (f < fMin)
fMin = f;
return fMin;
} // namespace search



///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ////////////////////////////////
// tiles.cpp
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ////////////////////////////////

#include "search_IDAstar.h"
#include // find
#include // abs


namespace // unnamed namespace
// Number of rows/columns in the sliding tile puzzle.
const int rows = 4;
const int columns = 4;
const int size = rows*columns;

// Manhattan distance heuristic.
int manhattan[size][size];

// A State is a configuration of a sliding tile puzzle.
class State
công cộng:

// A state may be specified as a vector, where tiles[i] is the tile in
// the i-th position in row-major order, and the blank is specified as
// rows*columns == size == tiles.size().
typedef std::vector Tiles;

// Constructor
State(const Tiles& tiles) :
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (tiles[i] == size)
blank = i;
phá vỡ;

// Destructor
// empty

// Copy constructor
State(const State& copy) :
// empty

// Assignment operator
State& operator= (const State& rhs)
tiles = rhs.tiles;
blank = rhs.blank;

// Equality operator
bool operator== (const State& rhs)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (tiles[i] != rhs.tiles[i])
trả về sai;
trả về sự thật;

// Return admissible heuristic.
double h() const
int cost = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (i != blank)
cost += manhattan[i][tiles[i] - 1];
return cost;

// Return true iff this state is a goal state.
bool isGoal() const
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (tiles[i] != i + 1)
trả về sai;
trả về sự thật;

// Return successors of this state.
typedef search::Move Move;
typedef std::list MoveContainer;
MoveContainer successors(std::list& solution) const
MoveContainer moves;

// Move blank right.
if ((blank + 1)%columns != 0)
State s(*this);
s.tiles[blank] = tiles[blank + 1];
s.tiles[blank + 1] = size;
s.blank = blank + 1;
if (std::find(solution.begin(), solution.end(), s) ==
moves.push_back(Move(s, 1));

// Move blank up.
if (blank - columns >= 0)
State s(*this);
s.tiles[blank] = tiles[blank - columns];
s.tiles[blank - columns] = size;
s.blank = blank - columns;
if (std::find(solution.begin(), solution.end(), s) ==
moves.push_back(Move(s, 1));

// Move blank left.
if (blank%columns != 0)
State s(*this);
s.tiles[blank] = tiles[blank - 1];
s.tiles[blank - 1] = size;
s.blank = blank - 1;
if (std::find(solution.begin(), solution.end(), s) ==
moves.push_back(Move(s, 1));

// Move blank down.
if (blank + columns < size)
State s(*this);
s.tiles[blank] = tiles[blank + columns];
s.tiles[blank + columns] = size;
s.blank = blank + columns;
if (std::find(solution.begin(), solution.end(), s) ==
moves.push_back(Move(s, 1));
return moves;

Tiles tiles;
int blank;
} // unnamed namespace

int chính()
// Initialize pre-computed Manhattan distance heuristic.
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j)
manhattan[i][j] = std::abs(i/columns - j/columns) +
std::abs(i%columns - j%columns);

// Get starting puzzle configuration.
std::cout << "Enter puzzle: ";
State::Tiles tiles;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
int t;
std::cin >> t;

// Search for a solution.
search::IDAstar ida;
std::clock_t tic = std::clock();
std::list solution = ida.solve(State(tiles));
std::clock_t toc = std::clock();

// Display solution.
std::cout << "Solution in " << static_cast(solution.size()) - 1 <<
" moves." << std::endl;
for (std::list::iterator it = solution.begin(); it != solution.end(); ++it)
State::Tiles& tiles = (*it).tiles;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tiles.size(); ++i)
std::cout << tiles[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Elapsed time = " <<
static_cast(toc - tic)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds." <<

第一个错误 MoveContainer::const_iterator 我输入 auto 并且这是临时修复。首先我认为是 namespace 或 iostream 的问题,但事实并非如此。我在 linux 中用 c++11、c++14 编译。该程序是用于解决 15 个谜题的算法 IDA* 的示例。

câu trả lời hay nhất

153:18: error: need 'typename' before 'MoveContainer:: const_iterator' 
because 'MoveContainer' is a dependent scope


for (MoveContainer::const_iterator it = moves.begin();


for (typename MoveContainer::const_iterator it = moves.begin();

Nhìn thấy Where and why do I have to put the "template" and "typename" keywords?

234:9: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void

如其所说,您的 State::operator= 缺少返回语句。

    // Assignment operator
State& operator= (const State& rhs)
tiles = rhs.tiles;
blank = rhs.blank;
trả lại *cái này;

或者更好的是,根据零规则,根本不要定义 operator=.

52:57: error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 
'std::list >&' from an rvalue of type
'{anonymous}::State::MoveContainer {aka
std::list >}'


MoveContainer& moves = s.successors(solution);


MoveContainer moves = s.successors(solution);

关于c++ - 编译器错误{匿名},我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

27 4 0
Walker 123
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