理想情况下,这段代码会返回电子鸡的年龄,它应该在开始时由类的构造函数初始化为 0。
#include "tamagotchi.h"
/* return of Tamagotchi information */
std::string Tamagotchi::name() {return myName;}
int Tamagotchi::age() {return myAge;}
int Tamagotchi::happiness() {return myHappiness;}
int Tamagotchi::hunger() {return myHunger;}
bool Tamagotchi::rIsSick() {return isSick;}
class Tamagotchi
công cộng:
/* initialization of default for tamagotchi */
: myName ("Default"),
myAge ( 0 ),
myHappiness ( 0 ),
myHunger ( 0 ),
isSick ( false ) { }
/* returning tamagotchi variables */
std::string name();
int age();
int happiness();
int hunger();
bool rIsSick();
riêng tư:
std::string myName;
int myAge;// defined from 0 - 50 based on hours
int myHappiness;// defined from 0 - 10
int myHunger; // defined from 0 - 10, greater is hungrier
bool isSick;// defines whether or not the Tamagotchi is sick
#include "tamagotchi.h" // defines tamagotchi class
int chính(){
Tamagotchi myTamagotchi;
std::cout << myTamagotchi.age();
trả về 0;
Cảm ơn
class Tamagotchi
công cộng:
/* initialization of default for tamagotchi */
: myName ("Default"),
myAge ( 0 ),
myHappiness ( 0 ),
myHunger ( 0 ),
isSick ( false ) { }
riêng tư:
std::string myName;
int myAge;// defined from 0 - 50 based on hours
int myHappiness;// defined from 0 - 10
int myHunger; // defined from 0 - 10, greater is hungrier
bool isSick;// defines whether or not the Tamagotchi is sick
công cộng:
std::string name();
int age();
int happiness();
int hunger();
bool rIsSick();
一些提示:将不修改对象状态的成员函数声明为 const 很有用,如下所示:
std::string name() const;
您还必须相应地修改 cpp 文件中的定义:
std::string Tamagotchi::name() const {...}
我还建议您通过 const 引用返回容器对象,例如 std::string:
const std::string& name() const;
const std::string& Tamagotchi::name() const { return myName; }
如果按值返回它,正如您所做的那样,您将始终创建返回字符串的拷贝,这可能会导致性能下降。通过 const 引用返回可以避免这种情况。然而,这仅对容器和其他大型对象有用。基本类型(int、float、bool 等)和小类的实例等简单事物几乎可以无成本地按值返回。
Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!