sách gpt4 ai đã đi

Tìm các tùy chọn/đối số/tham số mẫu không được gắn thẻ theo vị trí

In lại 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 11:29:12 35 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

Nói tóm lại:我想从可变参数模板参数中提取各种选项,但不仅通过标签而且通过那些参数的索引,这些参数是未知的 标签。我喜欢 boost 中的方法(例如 heap hoặc lockfree 策略),但想让它与 STL containers 兼容- 分配器参数。

Lời nói đầu


// current:
template ,
class... Opts> class rqueue;
// what I want:
template class rqueue;


namespace tag {
struct allocator {}; ///< specify allocator for data storage
struct virtual_offset {}; ///< manage offset in virtual memory
struct fill_empty {}; ///< fill empty space (security or reconstruction)
struct reconstructible {}; ///< fill empty and leave one slot between wp&rp
} namespace opt {
/// allocator for data storage
template struct allocator: tag::allocator {
typedef Alloc type; };
/// type for offset in virtual memory
template struct virtual_offset: tag::virtual_offset {
typedef Off type; };
/// type and value to fill empty space
template struct fill_empty: tag::fill_empty {
typedef T type; static constexpr T value = V; };
/// make state pointers reconstructible by leaving one slot between wp&rp
template struct reconstructible
: tag::reconstructible, fill_empty {};

cách sử dụng

// basic queue for custom record class
// advanced record storage that can be written to a file and reconstructed back
rqueue<>, opt::reconstructible>;
// specialization for strings with custom allocator
// alternative to above


namespace opt {
template struct bind {
template static constexpr bool has() {
return false; }
using get = Default; };
template struct bind {
riêng tư:
template static constexpr bool first() {
return std::is_same::value
|| std::is_base_of::value; }
template struct get_ {
typedef typename bind::template get type; };
template struct get_ {
typedef First type; };
công cộng:
template static constexpr bool has() {
return first() || bind::template has(); }
using get = typename get_()>::type; };

它没有The Boost Parameter Library那么先进,但完成了工作……到目前为止,包含未标记的必需参数和标记的可选参数列表。

Mã kiểm tra

cout << boolalpha;

typedef opt::bind<
> opts;
cout << opts::has() << endl;
cout << opts::has() << endl;
cout << opts::has() << endl;
cout << typeid(opts::get::type).name() << endl;
cout << typeid(opts::get::type).name() << endl;
cout << (int)opts::get::value << endl;

typedef opt::bind<> no;
cout << no::has() << endl;
cout << no::has() << endl;
cout << no::has() << endl;
cout << typeid(no::get).name() << endl;

typedef opt::bind<>> one;
cout << one::has() << endl;
cout << one::has() << endl;
cout << one::has() << endl;
cout << typeid(one::get).name() << endl;

câu hỏi

我正在搜索复杂的 boost 参数/元编程库并以 metafunctions 结尾它可以完成与我的小 helper 相同的工作(当然还有更多),但没有找到按索引提取未标记选项的解决方案。

  1. 我错过了吗?它在某处吗?
  2. 你能给我一些不同的解决方案吗?


Để ý:如果你引用了一些库,请留下如何使用它的描述。谢谢。

1 Câu trả lời



template struct tags {
template static constexpr bool match() {
return false; }};
template struct tags {
template static constexpr bool match() {
return std::is_same::value
|| std::is_base_of::value
|| tags::template match

cách sử dụng

template  class rqueue {
// bind tags and options
typedef opt::bind<><>
tag::virtual_offset, tag::fill_empty,
tag::reconstructible, tag::fixed_size>,
Opts...> opts;
công cộng:
// get first untagged option or byte if none
typedef typename opts::template at<0,byte>
value_type, record_type, *pointer, &reference;
// get second untagged option, or allocator option or std::allocator
typedef typename std::conditional<
(opts::count > 1),
typename opts::template at<1>,
typename opts::template get<>
std::allocator>>::type allocator_type;
//...shorter version of the above
typedef typename opts::template at<1,
typename opts::template get<>
std::allocator>> allocator_type_v2;
// get type specified as virtual_offset or void
typedef typename opts::template get<>
std::enable_if>::type offset_type;

关于c++ - 按位置查找未标记的模板选项/参数/参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25474036/

35 4 0
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