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c - 通过函数 : FILE* or FILE**? 的 FILE* 数组

In lại 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 08:24:15 31 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我正在尝试制作一个可以同时处理多个不同文件的程序。我的想法是制作一个包含 20 个 FILE* 的数组,以便在我达到此限制时能够关闭其中一个并打开请求的新文件。 为此,我想到了一个函数,它选择一个选项并调用另一个函数来完成保存(写入)、关闭和打开的工作。 在网上搜索半周并进行一些证明后,我制作了两个似乎有效的版本:一个带有 FILE*,另一个带有 FILE**。



MyProgram() {


/* The contents of myFile1a.dat, myFile2b.dat,... are just 5 ints. */

/* Version without pointer to pointer. */
void fReadFile(FILE* pfFile[]) {
int i = 0, j = 0;
int iNums[15] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int iNums2[15] = {5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005, 2033, 2066, 2099, 2133, 2166, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005};
char cNameFile4d[32] = "myFile4d.dat", cNameFile5e[32] = "myFile5e.dat";
char cNameFile6f[32] = "myFile6f.dat";
char cNameFile[32] = {" "};
int iResultFclose = 0;

for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, pfFile[0]);
for(i=5; i<10; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, pfFile[1]);
for(i=10; i<15; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, pfFile[2]);
printf("\n%d", iNums[i]);

iResultFclose = fclose(pfFile[0]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 0.");
iResultFclose = fclose(pfFile[1]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 1.");
iResultFclose = fclose(pfFile[2]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 2.");

strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile4d);
pfFile[0] = fopen(cNameFile, "wb");
for(i=0; i<5; i++)
fwrite(&iNums2[i], 4, 1, pfFile[0]);
strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile5e);
pfFile[1] = fopen(cNameFile, "wb");
for(i=5; i<10; i++)
fwrite(&iNums2[i], 4, 1, pfFile[1]);
strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile6f);
pfFile[2] = fopen(cNameFile, "wb");
for(i=10; i<15; i++)
fwrite(&iNums2[i], 4, 1, pfFile[2]);

iResultFclose = fclose(pfFile[0]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 0.");
iResultFclose = fclose(pfFile[1]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 1.");
iResultFclose = fclose(pfFile[2]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 2.");

strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile4d);
pfFile[0] = fopen(cNameFile, "rb");
strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile5e);
pfFile[1] = fopen(cNameFile, "rb");
strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile6f);
pfFile[2] = fopen(cNameFile, "rb");

for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, pfFile[0]);
for(i=5; i<10; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, pfFile[1]);
for(i=10; i<15; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, pfFile[2]);
printf("\n%d", iNums[i]);

iResultFclose = fclose(pfFile[0]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 0.");
iResultFclose = fclose(pfFile[1]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 0.");
iResultFclose = fclose(pfFile[2]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 0.");

/* Version with pointer to pointer. */
void fReadFile(FILE** pfFile[]) {
int i = 0, j = 0;

int iNums[15] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int iNums2[15] = {5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005, 2033, 2066, 2099, 2133, 2166, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005};
char cNameFile4d[32] = "myFile4d.dat", cNameFile5e[32] = "myFile5e.dat", cNameFile6f[32] = "myFile6f.dat";
char cNameFile[32] = {" "};
int iResultFclose = 0;

for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, (*pfFile)[0]);
for(i=5; i<10; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, (*pfFile)[1]);
for(i=10; i<15; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, (*pfFile)[2]);
printf("\n%d", iNums[i]);

iResultFclose = fclose((*pfFile)[0]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 0.");
iResultFclose = fclose((*pfFile)[1]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 1.");
iResultFclose = fclose((*pfFile)[2]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 2.");

strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile4d);
(*pfFile)[0] = fopen(cNameFile, "wb");
for(i=0; i<5; i++)
fwrite(&iNums2[i], 4, 1, (*pfFile)[0]);
strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile5e);
(*pfFile)[1] = fopen(cNameFile, "wb");
for(i=5; i<10; i++)
fwrite(&iNums2[i], 4, 1, (*pfFile)[1]);
strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile6f);
(*pfFile)[2] = fopen(cNameFile, "wb");
for(i=10; i<15; i++)
fwrite(&iNums2[i], 4, 1, (*pfFile)[2]);

iResultFclose = fclose((*pfFile)[0]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 0.");
iResultFclose = fclose((*pfFile)[1]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 1.");
iResultFclose = fclose((*pfFile)[2]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 2.");

strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile4d);
(*pfFile)[0] = fopen(cNameFile, "rb");
strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile5e);
(*pfFile)[1] = fopen(cNameFile, "rb");
strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile6f);
(*pfFile)[2] = fopen(cNameFile, "rb");

for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, (*pfFile)[0]);
for(i=5; i<10; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, (*pfFile)[1]);
for(i=10; i<15; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, (*pfFile)[2]);
printf("\n%d", iNums[i]);

iResultFclose = fclose((*pfFile)[0]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 0.");
iResultFclose = fclose((*pfFile)[1]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 0.");
iResultFclose = fclose((*pfFile)[2]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 0.");

/* Version without "&" in the caller. */
void fOptions(FILE* pfFileOpc[], int option) {
int i = 0;
switch (option)
case 1: {fReadFile(pfFileOpc); break;}
case 2: {printf("\nHello!\n"); break;}
default: break;

/* Version with "&" in the caller. */
void fOptions(FILE* pfFileOpc[], int option) {
int i = 0;
switch (option)
case 1: {fReadFile(&pfFileOpc); break;}
case 2: {printf("\nHello!\n"); break;}
default: break;

int chính() {
FILE *pFile[3];
int i = 0, j = 0, option = 0, iResultFclose = 0;

char cNameFile[32] = {" "};
char cNameFile1a[32] = "myFile1a.dat", cNameFile2b[32] = "myFile2b.dat";
char cNameFile3c[32] = "myFile3c.dat", cNameFile4d[32] = "myFile4d.dat";
char cNameFile5e[32] = "myFile5e.dat", cNameFile6f[32] = "myFile6f.dat";

int iNums[15] = {2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2033, 2066, 2099, 2133, 2166, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005};
int iNums2[15] = {5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005, 2033, 2066, 2099, 2133, 2166, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005};

strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile1a);
pFile[0] = fopen(cNameFile, "rb");
if (!pFile[0])
puts("Error opening the file1a");
strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile2b);
pFile[1] = fopen(cNameFile, "rb");
if (!pFile[1])
puts("Error opening the file2b");
strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile3c);
pFile[2] = fopen(cNameFile, "rb");
if (!pFile[2])
puts("Error opening the file3c");

printf("\nWrite an option: \n");
scanf("%d", &option);
fOptions(pFile, option);

puts("\n\nAnd we foooooolow....... \n\n");

strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile1a);
pFile[0] = fopen(cNameFile, "rb");
if (!pFile[0])
puts("Error opening the file1a");
strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile2b);
pFile[1] = fopen(cNameFile, "rb");
if (!pFile[1])
puts("Error opening the file2b");
strcpy(cNameFile, cNameFile3c);
pFile[2] = fopen(cNameFile, "rb");
if (!pFile[2])
puts("Error opening the file3c");

for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, pFile[0]);
for(i=5; i<10; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, pFile[1]);
for(i=10; i<15; i++) {
fread(&iNums[i], 4, 1, pFile[2]);
printf("\n%d", iNums[i]);

iResultFclose = fclose(pFile[0]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 0.");
iResultFclose = fclose(pFile[1]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 1.");
iResultFclose = fclose(pFile[2]);
if (iResultFclose != 0)
puts("Error closing the file 2.");

trả về 0;

Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều.

1 Câu trả lời

单个文件句柄是指向FILE 的指针,即FILE *。由于您需要这些 FILE * 元素的数组,因此指向该数组的指针是 FILE **arr,相当于 FILE *arr[] 当用作函数的参数类型时。

关于c - 通过函数 : FILE* or FILE**? 的 FILE* 数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31570409/

31 4 0
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