sách gpt4 ai đã đi

"Mã hóa" thủ công chỉ xuất ra 0 vào tệp

In lại 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 08:01:15 29 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

我的作业(不是家庭作业,只是“如果你能做到就试试”的事情)是使用位操作来加密和解密 .txt 文件。

这是程序。它成功打开文件进行读/写,但将所有 0 和空格放入 output.txt 文件而不是预期的“加密”文本。我猜这个问题来自于对数据类型或 putc() 的根本误解。我知道它输出一个 unsigned char,但我的教授说 unsigned char 只不过是一个 unsigned int——不确定这是否完全正确,或者它是否是一种教学简化。非常感谢您的帮助。


#define NUMARG 3
#define INFILEARG 1
#define OUTFILEARG 2

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
/* Function prototypes */
unsigned int encryptDecrypt(unsigned int x, unsigned int ed);
const char *get_filename_ext(const char *filename);

FILE *finp;
FILE *foutp;

//ed for encryption/decryption choice
unsigned int ed, c;
const char *ext;

//Check for errors in argument number and file opening.
if(argc != NUMARG){
printf("You have to put the input and output files after the
program name.\n");

if( (finp = fopen(argv[INFILEARG], "r")) == NULL ){
printf("Couldn't open %s for reading.\n", argv[INFILEARG]);

if( (foutp = fopen(argv[OUTFILEARG], "w")) == NULL){
printf("Couldn't open %s for writing.\n", argv[OUTFILEARG]);

//Get and check file extension.
ext = get_filename_ext(argv[INFILEARG]);
if(strcmp(ext, "txt")){
printf("Input file is not a .txt file.\n");

ext = get_filename_ext(argv[OUTFILEARG]);
if(strcmp(ext, "txt")){
printf("Output file is not a .txt file.\n");

//Get command to encrypt or decrypt.
printf("Enter e to encrypt, d to decrypt: ");
ed = getchar();
} while(ed != 'e' && ed != 'd');

//Send characters to output file.
while((c = getc(finp)) != EOF ){
putc(encryptDecrypt(c, ed), foutp);

// Close files.
if (fclose(finp) == EOF){
printf("Error closing input file.\n");

if (fclose(foutp) == EOF){
printf("Error closing output file.\n");

if ( ed == 'e'){
printf("Encrypted data written.\n");
} khác {
printf("Data decrypted.\n");

trả về 0;

const char *get_filename_ext(const char *filename) {
const char *dot = strrchr(filename, '.');
if(!dot || dot == filename) return "";
return dot + 1;

unsigned int encryptDecrypt(unsigned int c, unsigned int ed){
if( ed == 'e' ){
printf("%d before operated on.\n", c);
c &= 134;
printf("%d after &134.\n", c);
c ^= 6;
printf("%d after ^6. \n", c);
c <<= 3;
printf("%d after <<3\n", c);
else {
c >>= 3;
c ^= 6;
c &= 134;
return c;

Đầu ra:

ZacBook:bitoperations $ cat input1.txt
Please encrypt this message.
ZacBook:bitoperations $ ./encrypt.o input1.txt output.txt
Enter e to encrypt, d to decrypt: e
80 before operated on.
0 after &134.
6 after ^6.
48 after <<3
108 before operated on.
4 after &134.
2 after ^6.
16 after <<3
[...Many more of these debug lines]
2 after &134.
4 after ^6.
32 after <<3
Encrypted data written.
ZacBook:bitoperations $ cat output.txt
00 0 00000 0 0

如您所见,unsigned int 正在成功运行。我认为问题出在 putc() 上,但我已尝试将 c 的类型更改为 char 和 int,但均无效。

1 Câu trả lời


同上<<=>>= ,因为两者都会导致极端 1 位丢失。

坚持异或你会更幸运;起初至少。那是因为 x ^ y ^ yĐúngx .

你可以消除putc &C。通过将加密/解密过程与数据采集阶段隔离开来,并在让事情正常运行的同时对输入进行硬编码。

关于c - 手册 "encryption"只输出0到文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46673754/

29 4 0
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