sách gpt4 ai đã đi

c++ - 不良顶点数据的常见陷阱/原因?

In lại 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 04:14:26 27 4
mua khóa gpt4 Nike

所以,过去一周半我一直在研究这个 .OBJ/.MTL 网格解析器。在这段时间里,我一直在追踪/修复很多错误、清理代码、记录代码等等。




sphere line loop


sphere triangles



所以,我认为这可能是 Linux nVidia 驱动程序问题。我把驱动更新到下一个版本,重新启动,还是没有骰子。


            //! every 3 vertices should represent a triangle, therefore we'll want to
//! use the indices to grab their corresponding vertices. Since the cross product
//! of two sides of every triangle (where one side = Vn - Vm, 'n' and 'm' being on the range of 1..3),
//! we first grab the three vertices, and then compute the normal using the their differences.

const uInt32 length = mesh->vertices.size();

//! declare a pointer to the vector so we can perform simple
//! memory copies to get the indices for each triangle within the
//! iteration.

GLuint* const pIndexBuf = &mesh->indices[ 0 ];

for ( uInt32 i = 0; i < length; i += 3 )
GLuint thisTriIndices[ 3 ];

memcpy( thisTriIndices, pIndexBuf + i, sizeof( GLuint ) * 3 );

vec3 vertexOne = vec3( mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ 0 ] ] );
vec3 vertexTwo = vec3( mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ 1 ] ] );
vec3 vertexThree = vec3( mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ 2 ] ] );

vec3 sideOne = vertexTwo - vertexOne;
vec3 sideTwo = vertexThree - vertexOne;

vec3 surfaceNormal = glm::cross( sideOne, sideTwo );

mesh->normals.push_back( surfaceNormal );


我认为我布置内存的方式也可能有问题,但我不太清楚问题出在哪里。如果我错过了一些东西,我会加入 glVertexAttribPointer 调用:

//! Gen some buf handles

glGenBuffers( NUM_BUFFERS_PER_MESH, mesh->buffers );

//! Load the respective buffer data for the mesh

__LoadVec4Buffer( mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_VERTEX ], mesh->vertices ); //! positons
__LoadVec4Buffer( mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_COLOR ], mesh->colors ); //! material colors
__LoadVec3Buffer( mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_NORMAL ], mesh->normals ); //! normals
__LoadIndexBuffer( mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_INDEX ], mesh->indices ); //! indices

//! assign the vertex array a value

glGenVertexArrays( 1, &mesh->vertexArray );

//! Specify the memory layout for each attribute

glBindVertexArray( mesh->vertexArray );

//! Position and color are both stored in BUFFER_VERTEX.

glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_VERTEX ] );

glEnableVertexAttribArray( meshProgram->attributes[ "position" ] );
glVertexAttribPointer( meshProgram->attributes[ "position" ], //! index
4, //! num vals
GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, //! value type, normalized?
sizeof( vec4 ), //! number of bytes until next value in the buffer
( void* ) 0 ); //! offset of the memory in the buffer

glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_COLOR ] );

glEnableVertexAttribArray( meshProgram->attributes[ "color" ] );
glVertexAttribPointer( meshProgram->attributes[ "color" ],
sizeof( vec4 ),
( void* ) 0 );

//! Now we specify the layout for the normals

glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_NORMAL ] );

glEnableVertexAttribArray( meshProgram->attributes[ "normal" ] );
glVertexAttribPointer( meshProgram->attributes[ "normal" ],
sizeof( vec3 ),
( void* )0 );

//! Include the index buffer within the vertex array

glBindBuffer( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_INDEX ] );

glBindVertexArray( 0 );



glBindVertexArray( mMeshes[ i ]->vertexArray );

UBO::LoadMatrix4( UBO::MATRIX_MODELVIEW, modelView.top() );
UBO::LoadMatrix4( UBO::MATRIX_PROJECTION, camera.projection() );

glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, mMeshes[ i ]->indices.size(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, ( void* )0 );

glBindVertexArray( 0 );

1 Câu trả lời


            // round mesh->indices.size() down if it's not already divisible by 3.
// the rounded value is stored in numTris

std::vector< vec4 > newVertices;

uInt32 indicesLen = Math_FloorForMultiple( mesh->indices.size(), 3 );

// declare a pointer to the vector so we can perform simple
// memory copies to get the indices for each triangle within the
// iteration.

newVertices.reserve( indicesLen );

const GLuint* const pIndexBuf = &mesh->indices[ 0 ];

for ( uInt32 i = 0; i < indicesLen; i += 3 )
const GLuint* const thisTriIndices = pIndexBuf + i;

vec4 vertexOne = mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ 0 ] - 1 ];
vec4 vertexTwo = mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ 1 ] - 1 ];
vec4 vertexThree = mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ 2 ] - 1 ];

vec4 sideOne = vertexTwo - vertexOne;
vec4 sideTwo = vertexThree - vertexOne;

vec3 surfaceNormal = glm::cross( vec3( sideOne ), vec3( sideTwo ) );

mesh->normals.push_back( surfaceNormal );
mesh->normals.push_back( surfaceNormal + vec3( sideOne ) );
mesh->normals.push_back( surfaceNormal + vec3( sideTwo ) );

newVertices.push_back( vertexOne );
newVertices.push_back( vertexTwo );
newVertices.push_back( vertexThree );

mesh->vertices = newVertices;

请注意,当在循环中抓取顶点时,通过调用 mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ x ] - 1 ],- 1 非常重要:OBJ 网格文件存储从 1...N 索引开始的面索引,而不是 0...N-1 索引。


关于c++ - 不良顶点数据的常见陷阱/原因?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17333942/

27 4 0
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