- android - 多次调用 OnPrimaryClipChangedListener
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- android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException : Index 0 requested, 光标大小为 0
- android - 使用 AppCompat 时,我们是否需要明确指定其 UI 组件(Spinner、EditText)颜色
所以,过去一周半我一直在研究这个 .OBJ/.MTL 网格解析器。在这段时间里,我一直在追踪/修复很多错误、清理代码、记录代码等等。
所以,我认为这可能是 Linux nVidia 驱动程序问题。我把驱动更新到下一个版本,重新启动,还是没有骰子。
//! every 3 vertices should represent a triangle, therefore we'll want to
//! use the indices to grab their corresponding vertices. Since the cross product
//! of two sides of every triangle (where one side = Vn - Vm, 'n' and 'm' being on the range of 1..3),
//! we first grab the three vertices, and then compute the normal using the their differences.
const uInt32 length = mesh->vertices.size();
//! declare a pointer to the vector so we can perform simple
//! memory copies to get the indices for each triangle within the
//! iteration.
GLuint* const pIndexBuf = &mesh->indices[ 0 ];
for ( uInt32 i = 0; i < length; i += 3 )
GLuint thisTriIndices[ 3 ];
memcpy( thisTriIndices, pIndexBuf + i, sizeof( GLuint ) * 3 );
vec3 vertexOne = vec3( mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ 0 ] ] );
vec3 vertexTwo = vec3( mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ 1 ] ] );
vec3 vertexThree = vec3( mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ 2 ] ] );
vec3 sideOne = vertexTwo - vertexOne;
vec3 sideTwo = vertexThree - vertexOne;
vec3 surfaceNormal = glm::cross( sideOne, sideTwo );
mesh->normals.push_back( surfaceNormal );
我认为我布置内存的方式也可能有问题,但我不太清楚问题出在哪里。如果我错过了一些东西,我会加入 glVertexAttribPointer 调用:
//! Gen some buf handles
glGenBuffers( NUM_BUFFERS_PER_MESH, mesh->buffers );
//! Load the respective buffer data for the mesh
__LoadVec4Buffer( mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_VERTEX ], mesh->vertices ); //! positons
__LoadVec4Buffer( mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_COLOR ], mesh->colors ); //! material colors
__LoadVec3Buffer( mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_NORMAL ], mesh->normals ); //! normals
__LoadIndexBuffer( mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_INDEX ], mesh->indices ); //! indices
//! assign the vertex array a value
glGenVertexArrays( 1, &mesh->vertexArray );
//! Specify the memory layout for each attribute
glBindVertexArray( mesh->vertexArray );
//! Position and color are both stored in BUFFER_VERTEX.
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_VERTEX ] );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( meshProgram->attributes[ "position" ] );
glVertexAttribPointer( meshProgram->attributes[ "position" ], //! index
4, //! num vals
GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, //! value type, normalized?
sizeof( vec4 ), //! number of bytes until next value in the buffer
( void* ) 0 ); //! offset of the memory in the buffer
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_COLOR ] );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( meshProgram->attributes[ "color" ] );
glVertexAttribPointer( meshProgram->attributes[ "color" ],
sizeof( vec4 ),
( void* ) 0 );
//! Now we specify the layout for the normals
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_NORMAL ] );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( meshProgram->attributes[ "normal" ] );
glVertexAttribPointer( meshProgram->attributes[ "normal" ],
sizeof( vec3 ),
( void* )0 );
//! Include the index buffer within the vertex array
glBindBuffer( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh->buffers[ BUFFER_INDEX ] );
glBindVertexArray( 0 );
glBindVertexArray( mMeshes[ i ]->vertexArray );
UBO::LoadMatrix4( UBO::MATRIX_MODELVIEW, modelView.top() );
UBO::LoadMatrix4( UBO::MATRIX_PROJECTION, camera.projection() );
glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, mMeshes[ i ]->indices.size(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, ( void* )0 );
glBindVertexArray( 0 );
1 Câu trả lời
// round mesh->indices.size() down if it's not already divisible by 3.
// the rounded value is stored in numTris
std::vector< vec4 > newVertices;
uInt32 indicesLen = Math_FloorForMultiple( mesh->indices.size(), 3 );
// declare a pointer to the vector so we can perform simple
// memory copies to get the indices for each triangle within the
// iteration.
newVertices.reserve( indicesLen );
const GLuint* const pIndexBuf = &mesh->indices[ 0 ];
for ( uInt32 i = 0; i < indicesLen; i += 3 )
const GLuint* const thisTriIndices = pIndexBuf + i;
vec4 vertexOne = mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ 0 ] - 1 ];
vec4 vertexTwo = mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ 1 ] - 1 ];
vec4 vertexThree = mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ 2 ] - 1 ];
vec4 sideOne = vertexTwo - vertexOne;
vec4 sideTwo = vertexThree - vertexOne;
vec3 surfaceNormal = glm::cross( vec3( sideOne ), vec3( sideTwo ) );
mesh->normals.push_back( surfaceNormal );
mesh->normals.push_back( surfaceNormal + vec3( sideOne ) );
mesh->normals.push_back( surfaceNormal + vec3( sideTwo ) );
newVertices.push_back( vertexOne );
newVertices.push_back( vertexTwo );
newVertices.push_back( vertexThree );
mesh->vertices = newVertices;
请注意,当在循环中抓取顶点时,通过调用 mesh->vertices[ thisTriIndices[ x ] - 1 ]
,- 1
非常重要:OBJ 网格文件存储从 1...N 索引开始的面索引,而不是 0...N-1 索引。
关于c++ - 不良顶点数据的常见陷阱/原因?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17333942/
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这个问题已经有答案了: 奥 git _a (2 个回答) 已关闭 5 年前。 我正在获取 ClassCastException 。这两个类来自不同的 jar,但是JettyContinuationPr
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Hiện tại, câu hỏi này không phù hợp với định dạng Hỏi & Đáp của chúng tôi. Chúng tôi mong đợi câu trả lời được hỗ trợ bởi các sự kiện, tài liệu tham khảo hoặc chuyên môn, nhưng câu hỏi này có thể gây ra tranh luận, tranh cãi, thăm dò ý kiến hoặc thảo luận mở rộng. Nếu bạn cảm thấy câu hỏi này có thể được cải thiện và có thể mở lại, hãy truy cập
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当我输入 6 (int) 作为值时,运行此命令会出现段错误 (gcc filename.c -lm)。请帮助我解决这个问题。预期的功能尚未实现,但我需要知道为什么我已经陷入段错误。 谢谢! #incl
所以,过去一周半我一直在研究这个 .OBJ/.MTL 网格解析器。在这段时间里,我一直在追踪/修复很多错误、清理代码、记录代码等等。 问题是,每修复一个错误,仍然会出现这个问题,而且一张图片胜过一千个
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简单地说,我正在为基本数据库编写单链表的原始实现。当用户请求打印索引下列出的元素高于数据库中当前记录数量时,我不断出现段错误,但仅当差值为 1 时。对于更高的数字,它只会触发我在那里编写的错误系统。
Tôi là một lập trình viên xuất sắc, rất giỏi!